How to Become Magnetic to Everything You Desire

podcast May 03, 2020

In this episode, I’m sharing with you how my personal journey in healing my relationship with food expanded into ALL areas of my life. It was a challenging journey but it taught me how to be magnetic about things I desire.

Do you feel like you are doing everything you can to make things right and to make things happen, but it always seems like there’s something missing? I know how frustrating that can be. I was there too. If you’re on a personal development journey, this is for you.

In this episode, you'll learn:

✧ In our struggles to make things right, what is more important than what we’re doing (or not doing)?
✧ What can you do to manifest freedom from overthinking and feeling overwhelmed?
✧ Why is it important to get into alignment with life for you to get what you desire? 


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Full Episode Transcript:

Welcome to the magnetically youth podcast. My name is Madison Zodiac and I'm a master mindset coach and food freedom expert. You're in the right place if you want to manifest a life means you jump out of bed excited I have every morning, reprogram your mind for success and happiness, feeling your best and become magnetic to everything you desire. For me, healing my relationship with food was my gateway into mindset, spiritual and personal development. And now I am obsessed. And I realized the same thing became true for so many of the women. I've coached through my course the subtle art of freedom and doing the inner work around food became about so much more than food for all of us. So that's what this podcast is really about that expansion, expanding that inner work to all areas of our lives so that we can become the most magnetic confident versions of ourselves and achieve our goals. biggest dreams. If you're like me and you're obsessed with personal development, then you are going to love this podcast. So let's freakin do this. I welcome it to the very first episode of The magnetically you podcast. I'm like, so excited about to like jump out of my chair. This has been a long time coming. And I have so much to say and share with you that I'm like, Oh my god, I don't even know where to start. But I think I'll start first with just my story. And what kind of led me to doing this podcast and why I'm doing and who it's for and like what you are going to get out of this podcast. So really, the whole idea of this podcast, hence why it's called magnetically you is because it's about becoming the most magnetic, confident aligned version of yourself. The you can think of this podcast as like this hub for self optimization, optimizing your vibration, optimizing your mindset, optimizing your well being optimizing your energy, and just really bringing together like this mind body and soul approach to feeling your best and achieving your biggest dreams in your life and creating a life that feels good and feels in alignment feels like what you're truly set out on this earth to do and not a life that feels like oh, you have to do this and you should do that and just feels like something's missing and things just aren't working. So a little bit of background on me in case that you haven't heard my story before. I'm a certified integrative nutrition health coach turned mindset manifestation expert and for me healing my relationship with food was my gateway into mindset spirituality and personal development and now I am thoroughly obsessed. And so if you're anything like that if you love personal development if you love reading self help books if you love listening to podcasts about mindset and manifestation and personal development like you are so in the right place, you're going to love this. But anyway, so human relationship with food was really my gateway into all of this. And a few years ago, I was thinking about food constantly. And I just didn't know like, how to get out of it. I was constantly worried about showing essentially that and it was literally consuming my life And long story short, I went on this crazy journey of figuring out like, how to get my shit together around food basically, and how to heal my relationship with with food and how to just feel a peace in covenant around food so that I could live my damn life. And long story short, I did that I ended up starting a business is becoming a health coach. Because of that, I helped tons of other women do the exact same thing through my program, the center of food freedom, which is still available. However, what I realized with all of that work I did and all that coaching and the years I spent helping women heal their relationships with food was that it was never about the food. It was always about their mindset and their energy and not trusting themselves that had nothing to do with what they were or weren't eating. And over time, like all these principles that I learned to really reprogram my own brain for food, freedom and reprogram my clients being for food freedom, like I realized that that same like superpower could be translated into all other areas of my life to find that freedom and peace of mind and confidence in all other areas of my life. And so that's really what this podcast is about is exploring. Ending, that healing journey that I did in relation to food and discovering personal development, mindset and spirituality and all those things and expanding that into all areas of my life. And that's what I want to help you with is using those tools to help you find freedom and confidence and peace of mind and happiness and success in all areas of your life without all the overthinking and overwhelm and stress and confusion and struggle and just flow and get into alignment make things easy and become a magnet to everything that you desire. Rather than forcing and pushing and hustling Ross off with nothing to show for it because I've been there, done that I used to overthink everything. No matter what I achieved. It was never good enough. I was always obsessed with doing things right. To the point where everything felt like it was actually going wrong. I was just like really overwhelmed and frustrated all the time. I was felt like I was always running out of time. There's too much To do and, you know, I feel like I had to be productive 24 seven. And I was, you know, such a high achiever like from the outside and so motivated such a hard worker, but nothing in my life was really going the way I wanted it to. And I didn't feel good. And despite all of that hard work and all that effort, and I knew that I was meant for so much more, but something was just missing like I, there was something missing that I couldn't pinpoint. And no matter how hard I tried to get my eating right, my life, right my relationship, right, like whatever it was trying to get things right wasn't working. And I was like, let me try this strategy and do this and I need to do that. And it really wasn't until I discovered like, how to master my thinking how to master my energy and how to master my intuition that everything started aligning for me and my life like really, truly, completely transformed. And so that's really what I am doing with this my podcast. Like, it's my purpose to help you do the same. And you were probably guided here because you know that you too are capable of so much more, you know, you're meant for so much more. And things in your life maybe just aren't working like why you're trying so hard. You're doing all the things, you're reading all the books, listening to all the bad guys doing all the strategies, and yet, you're not seeing the success you want. You're not feeling the way you want to feel you're not implementing the habits you want to implement. You're not feeling confident, like something is missing. It's not clicking into place. And for me, what I realized is not about any of that stuff like what you're doing or not doing and all that stuff. It's more your thoughts and your energy and intuition. And once you master those things that unlocks everything in your life and you truly do start becoming magnetic to everything that you desire. So this is really a place for personal develop lovers, and entrepreneurs, ambitious women like all of my go getters out there, and all of my, all of you who love personal development, and manifestation, all this stuff as much as I do. This is really for you to help you manifest the freedom and success you know your man for by leveraging the power of your thoughts, energy and intuition. And if you are tired of overthinking and overwhelm and hustling your ass off with nothing to show for it and something's missing, something's not clicking into place and you're in the right place because this podcast is really designed to help you self optimize really in all areas of your life from within like this is the inner work because your outer reality is a reflection of who you are, what you think what you believe, how you feel, how your energy is everything on the inside, and when you are able to transform that your outer reality becomes a reality. collection of what's on the inside which is why I say you become magnetic to everything you desire because you really are. So that's my story if you can relate to that I would love to hear from you send me a message on Instagram at magnetically you I would love to know if any of parts of my story resonated with you and what you're most excited to learn about from this podcast maybe what you're struggling with the most any episode topics that you want to learn more about like it's all fair game like I'm so open minded to whatever you guys want to learn and hear about and I just want to take you on this amazing personal growth journey with me because you know really making this like it's almost like this like a life purpose of mine to improve myself and prove my inner state and not because I'm not good enough now are worthy Not enough now I am. And I want to see what's possible. For me. I want to pursue my goals not necessarily for the purpose of hitting the goal but for the growth and progress I can make along the way. And it's really this idea of like one of my favorite affirmations is, I'm already living my dream life, and the best is yet to come. So how can we find peace and happiness and acceptance in our life right now. And trust and expect and align with the energy of the best is yet to come. And when you can do that, find that peace in the now detach from your desires and still also have the desire at the same time we'll talk more, there will have to be another episode on the paradoxes of life and how when you can Learn to have these very two opposing ideas coexist in your mind. Like that's really when things can start clicking into place as backwards as it sounds. And yes, a lot of things on this podcast are going to sound weird and woo and backwards. But honestly, like, that's what's worked for me. And that's what I've seen has worked for so many of my clients, it's, you know, everyone in the world is telling us we, you know, we should live this way and we should do this and it's like, well, how the, how's that working for you? Like, is that making you feel good? Um, so again, I'm gonna wrap this up because I'm going on and on. So as you can tell, I'm really passionate about this. I'm so excited to have you here. We're going to cover so much amazing stuff on this podcast. But the last thing I want to leave you with is you know, the three like, I guess like me, pieces of this podcast, that's what I call it. I can't find the right words to put to it. certain ways. It's, you're probably wondering, okay, well, how how do we get on magnetic tape Everything you desire. Well, that's what this podcast is about. So let's not get ahead of ourselves, keep listening, I promise we're going to get into that in every single episode, they're going to be shifts that you make in your minds and your energy and your ways of thinking and believing that bring you closer and closer to that every time you listen. So the three things that we're really going to be focusing on, in order to allow you to become magnetic to the freedom and success that you know you deserve is number one, reprogramming your mind, our thoughts create our reality. And so much of the time we want to look at our behaviors, you're like, Oh, I just need to stop doing that or I need to do this. But if we're not looking at those thoughts, that are driving our behaviors, then nothing is going to change. So we have to take it down to the level of our thoughts because our thoughts create our feelings our feelings, create our habits or habits create our behaviors and actions. In our actions create our experiences and outcomes. So if we want to change our experiences and outcomes, we must go down to the level of transforming our thinking. And I know it might sound like Ooh, that doesn't sound fun, like, let's change my thoughts. But it actually is because when you realize the power of being able to change your thoughts, to in a way that makes you feel good, like being able to choose more empowering thoughts, is the most empowering thing like it feels so good to know you are in control of how you feel. You get to choose your thoughts and therefore you get to choose your feelings and therefore you get to choose your reality and the life that you're creating and you are living. So that's number one reprogramming your mind. The second thing we're really going to be focusing on here is balancing your energy energy is everything we are all made up of energy, the world is energy, our thoughts, our energy, our emotions, our energy, our physical bodies, our energy, like it's all energy and when that energy gets out of alignment due to things like fear or negative thoughts, and maybe not really living out your truth or your purpose, like it can create imbalances in your energy, that actually start to repel everything that you want, because you're not an energetic match for those things when you're out of alignment. So this is really about balancing and aligning your energy so that you are an energetic match for the things that you desire in your energy can be a catalyst for your growth and your freedom and your success in your life. I truly believe energy is everything. And then last but not least, is aligning with your intuition. So I've mentioned already that so much of us live by what the world has told us we're supposed to do. And like, That's bullshit. It's sucks. It's not fun when you do that, and like, are we gonna, like look back on our life when we're like nine years old and be like, Damn, why did I spend my whole life doing what everyone else told me I was supposed to do? And it wasn't fulfilling and it wasn't fun and made me feel like shit. Like, is that really what we're gonna do? And I think a big part of that is like, we're looking for the answers outside of ourselves. We're looking for permission from someone else. We're looking for approval, we're looking for it. We think someone else has the answers. And by doing those things, we're blocking our own intuition. Like I truly believe that we all have the answers to everything that we need in our life with us. And it's a practice and a skill to be able to filter out those other influences and really check in with your intuition and your higher self and what in alignment with the with your soul and what's true for you and what's right for you and letting go of what the world is telling you is right and wrong and good and bad and really check in with like, Okay, well what feels good for me and the more we align with what feels good, the more we attract feel good things the more we create feel good things and the more we become magnetic to everything we desire, so I'm so freakin pumped to have you here like this is so fun for me and I feel like this is honestly just me. In my journey of listening to my intuition I my intuition has been like begging me for months and months to start this podcast. And of course there were all the reasons I put it off the goal. I'll do it later. Like, you know, what if nobody listens and like all of these excuses that we love to come up with Which we're going to talk all about how we can overcome that those fear and those limiting beliefs on this podcast as well. But really, this is my intuitive journey and listening to my intuition in sharing these things with you guys. And just showing up in a way that feels good for me and creating a life that feels good for me. And for me that's having this business and shifting it in this way from, you know, before I was focusing on food, which was great, and I love about helping women with that, and I still want to help women. With that through my program, however, I'm being called to serve at a bigger, deeper level. And that's my intuition talking to me, so I'm listening to it, I'm trusting it and that's what this is all about. So, yeah, get excited, and let me know if there is anything you'd like me to cover on the show. I can't wait to hear from you guys, and I'll talk to you soon. I'm so grateful for you listening today if this resonated with you, it would mean the world to me if you'd hit subscribe and then leave a review on iTunes and everybody is invited to the after party, which takes place every day on Instagram. I magnetically you so come hang out with us there. And if you're really fired up about mindset, spiritual and personal development, head to magnetically your comm to check out all the fun stuff I have going on there like my coaching, and my courses, free workshops, all the good stuff and I will see you on the next episode.

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