Perspective is a crucial factor in our journey towards personal development. This episode could not have come at a better time than now, during a global pandemic.
These are the 10 mindset shifts I’ve been using during this time to help me let go of the anxiety and fear and get into a higher vibration. If you’ve been having thoughts like….”When is this going to be over? What if I get coronavirus? What if we run out of food?”, these mindset shifts are REALLY going to help you.
✧ Why coronavirus is actually happening FOR us
✧ How to manage your thoughts and mind and CHOOSE the thoughts that will serve you
✧ Why it’s okay to experience and feel your emotions and how to be okay with it
✧ How to ask yourself better questions to create more empowering thoughts
✧ Why it’s not helpful to judge what people “should” be doing differently right now
✧ How our brains are wired to seek information to be afraid of and how to intentionally balance that out
✧ Why fear isn’t necessary to take precautions and protect yourself
✧ How to stay present through all of this and trust the process
✧ Why asking for help is critical right now
✧ How to train your brain to focus on gratitude so you can attract more to be grateful for
Connect with me on Instagram @madison.arnholt
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Hello, hello, welcome back to the magnetically you podcast. Today, I'm going to be talking about 10 mindset shifts you need right now and I say you need these right now, assuming that you're probably experiencing some sort of really just some added stress or anxiety are overwhelmed with everything going on in the world right now. And these are the mindset shifts that I use to help me get into a better vibration, get back into alignment and get back to center. Get back to trusting that this is temporary and everything is going to be okay. And that's what I'm choosing to believe because that Makes me feel good that makes me able to stay in this energy that's calm and relaxed so that I can be, I can maybe be part of this solution rather than part of the perpetuation of the problem and more fear and more anxiety because I woke up, maybe was about a week ago and like, woke up and my chest felt so tight and I was having a hard time breathing and my heart was racing and I just I could feel like all this anxiety in my body. And it was interesting because I wasn't having any anxious thoughts. Like nothing was going on in my brain that was I was like, Yeah, like, this is a stressful time but like I wasn't like focusing my attention on all this stress. And I kind of realized that I was just like holding like the Connect collective energy of the world, like within myself and within In my body I'm very much an empath I don't know about you but I am the kind of person where like I can like really really really feel other people's emotions and given that like, the world is experiencing this like collective energy of like anxiety and trust right now I was really really really feeling that energy around me and so these are the mindset shifts that I used to pull myself out of that so that I didn't spiral into. Like so much anxiety and like have a panic attack or spiral into worse thoughts were more fearful thoughts spiral into like being frozen in inaction. This is what I use to pull myself out of that and like stop a potential spiral from happening and this is what happens when you do this inner work like when I even like a few months ago or last year like something Like this would have really, really, really like, dragged me down like I could easily have like gone into a spiral and like, now that I've done so much work on shifting my mindset and my beliefs like, Yes, I'm a human and like those emotions and and the anxiety still comes up, but now I can shift out of it so much faster and so can you it's a choice and this shift in our energy really can happen in an instant. So I'm going to share 10 mindset shifts to hopefully help you experience a shift in your energy while you're listening to this. Okay, so the first one is what if this is happening for us? So we might not know exactly what that reason is right now, like we might not know like why this is happening, but can we have faith and trust that the reason will soon be revealed and that it will all make sense and what if this is the perfect opportunity for us to learn and to grow? What if this creates an evolution in the healthcare system? What if it creates an evolution in workplace culture? What if new technology and inventions are created during this time? And what if this will only make us stronger? and smarter? What if this makes the education system evolve? What if this makes us all more grateful and giving? What if this makes us all more connected more? And especially more connected to each other, but connected to something greater than us? And what if everything starts getting better very soon? Like, we don't know what's going to happen? What if it What if it does, but if it does, I'm not saying it? Well, I'm not saying it has to, but what if it does? What if you let your mind run with these possibilities? It is happening for us and how does that feel compared to the anxious thoughts and the thoughts of working Gonna run out of food and the world's ending and I'm totally going to get the virus and all of that. It's like how does this feel in comparison to that? And if this feels better, it's like, can you lean into that? Can you move towards that? And I want to share with you a quote I saw Sara Blakely shared on Instagram. She said, when the great plague of London was going around in 1665, Cambridge University University shut down and Isaac Newton was forced to stay home. During this time, he invented calculus, parts of object theory and allegedly while sitting in his garden, he saw an apple fall from a tree that inspired his understanding of gravity and the laws of motion. So that's just like one perspective we could take of like, what if, what if there are hidden What if we can look for and focus on the hidden blessings in this situation, rather than focusing on the things that we know are going to not make us feel good the second shift, I have want you to think about in this time is choosing to manage your mind and choose your thoughts. So it's not the circumstances that are going on right now that make us anxious and scared. It's our thoughts about the circumstances. And if these thoughts did not exist, then neither would the fear. And so this is an opportunity for us to practice managing our brain and our thoughts in a way that helps us avoid unnecessary suffering. So start noticing your thoughts and questioning them. Like Is this true? is true that the world's ending if that's what you're thinking, is there a better feeling thought available to me? Is there another way to see this? Okay. Um, third one is instead of telling yourself like, Oh my gosh, I shouldn't feel anxious like I need to get rid of this anxiety like this is bad. Like I should be feeling I should be okay with this. I should be able to handle this like Adults I should have my shit together. Instead of going there, it's like what if you can feel the feels like it's okay to feel sad. It's okay to feel scared. It's okay to feel anxious. It's okay to feel disappointed and stressed out about the circumstances. So allow yourself to feel what you're feeling and be in that. And you don't have to wallow in these feelings, but you can experience them because you're a human and you're having a human experience. So let's take away the judgment around our you know, negative feelings. It's like, the only thing that makes a negative feeling creates suffering for us, is the belief that it's a negative feeling, the belief that it's bad to believe that we need to get rid of it the belief that we shouldn't have it the judgment we have of ourselves for having that negative feeling. It's like, what if it was actually neutral and what if you were allowed to feel that way? And you just felt it? You know, it was temporary You know, it was kind of pass. Okay, moving on to the fourth, a mindset shift, ask yourself better questions. So our brains are designed to seek answers to any questions we ask. So if we ask, what's the worst that can happen? Your brain is going to go on a hunt and come up with a lot of very creative, very terrifying answers. But when you ask what is the best that could happen again, your brain is going to go looking for the answers. But they're going to be answers that feel a lot better answers are a lot more empowering answers that can put us in vibrational alignment with the solutions. Okay? So, some examples of how you can ask yourself better questions instead of what's the worst that can happen? What's the best that can happen instead of what if this lasts forever? What if this is temporary? Instead of what if it gets What if it gets better? Instead of what if I lose my job? What if this is an opportunity to slow down? So where is your attention? Can you focus it on the questions that are going to make you feel better and empower you during this time? fifth one, this is a big one because I have experienced myself and seen a lot of this going on of like, where we're all judging each other about what we think we are supposed to be doing. People are posting on Facebook like oh my god, like I cannot believe this person did this and I cannot believe this person went out in public and I cannot believe they had a friend come to their house and I cannot believe that they're doing this and like they're everyone's doing this wrong and I can't believe they died. Like they should be doing this. It's like whoa, how is that you feel? And like, I would like to offer you the idea of like, what if we're all doing the best we can with what we know and with what we have And if that's the case, which I really believe it is, that means we're all going to handle this and processes differently. So how can you have understanding and compassion even with other people aren't handling this? Like you think they quote should? Like, what if we really are all doing the best we can? And what if all of that energy we're using on judging each other and making each other wrong? Like what if we use that energy to volunteer like there? I'm sure I know there's ways to do some like online volunteering, right now. For me, it's like, what if I use this energy creating a podcast that's going to help people like what if we weren't judging people and making people wrong and you know, telling, spending our energy on like, why are they doing This like in letting it stress you out? What have you directed that? Is there anything more like useful and helpful you could direct all that energy to just something to think about. Alright, sixth thing is to feed your brain positive information and because our brains are going to be looking for everything to be scared about right now that's what they're designed to do. They're designed to look out for danger so we can protect ourselves. And that's okay. However, we need to balance that out by intentionally seeking content and information that will lift us up and raise our vibration. So first thing is if watching the news 24 seven or if being on social media 24 seven is stressing you out. Then stop outsourcing your thinking to the media, right? Because a lot of times when we watch that we're absorbing their thoughts and then we feel the emotion sets From those thoughts and what if we can choose our own thoughts intentionally? So what can you feed your brain? That's going to feel good? Maybe it's a funny YouTube video, maybe it's this podcast, maybe it's another podcast, maybe it's a book, maybe you're learning a new language or a new like skill. What can you feed your brain with that isn't going to keep you focused on all of the potential stress and dangers? shift number seven is that we can take action from a place of calm and trust and believing that we need to, like grasp on to fear and like we can't let it go. And we have to be informed we have to watch the news every 10 minutes early, literally leave it on the TV all day long and we just have to be filled with anxiety and like we need to have this stress like the stress is necessary. harder for us to take precautions like, that's just our brains trying to protect us. Your brain thinks that these emotions are necessary to protect you. But they aren't like we can take actions and precautions and protect ourselves and remain calm and trust that it's all going to be okay. And I really believe that we are resilient. And we are going to figure this out. And I honestly believe that in if we're able to continue choosing to return to this calm, trusting energy that can only help make matters better. actions taken out of fear and anxiety are typically not in alignment with the highest version of you, maybe not in alignment with the highest version, the highest good for us as a collective society. So we don't Need fear and all the anxiety in order to protect ourselves in order to protect the world, we can do that from a place of common trust. I would say I'm Case in point I am protecting myself. I'm not going out into the world and trying to spread this I am I washing my hands like crazy. I am being careful not to touch my face. I am taking vitamins, I am meditating, I'm taking care of my mental health. I'm making sure that I'm fed and nourishing my body like you. I can do these things from a place of calm and trust. And typically the behaviors and actions we take from a place of common trust are going to be actions and behaviors that are more in alignment with our highest good. Shift number eight is stay in the Now breathe. Meditate. Can we just for a second let go of trying to predict the future because if you think about it, like right here, right now, in this moment, like, you're probably okay if you're listening to this podcast like, right here right now I'm sitting here I am sitting on my chair, I am in front of this microphone. I'm recording this podcast, I'm talking. I'm okay. Things start to feel not okay. When I let my attention and thoughts go to trying to predict the future. And if we're going to make up stories and predictions about the future, can we make up stories and predictions that feel good? So maybe journal what's going on in your crazy brain? Mine's crazy, too. I think we're all a little bit crazy. Journal, what's going on up there, then see if you can rewrite those stories to make them feel good. Right? You write them in a way that will give you more hope and in a way that will give you more trust that everything is going to be Okay, like what evidence? Do you have that like right now right here? Not looking at the future not looking at the past, like in this moment, right now everything is okay. And it is. Shift number nine is to ask for help. I don't know like what it is, but I think a lot of us are scared to ask for help and something I really, really really been working on this year. I used to be like, I'm so independent, I don't need help. And asking for help in my life has completely transformed my life. I hired my first coaches a couple years ago and I've had coaches ever since life coaches, business coaches, mindset coaches, friends who are coaches and, and coaching communities and Facebook groups where I can ask for help and I am constantly asking for help and choosing to receive that help because especially now more than ever, like we need someone to help us manage our thoughts and emotions at this time, and when someone else shows you the blind spots in your thinking, you're like, oh, like that makes so much sense why I feel like shit now. But a lot of times we can't see that for ourselves because their blind spots if we could see them, then we would, they wouldn't be blind spots. And so it can be really helpful to hire a coach or just ask a friend to help you manage your thoughts and manage your mind and manage your emotions at this time. So if you want someone to talk to, I am here to support you guys. So please message me on instagram if there is anything coming up for you that you're having trouble working through right now. I'm happy to coach you through it. So send me a message I magnetically you. And yeah, well we'll talk it out. Ask us for that help, because I'm I'm here to give that to you. Um, okay, so the last shift is to focus on what you're grateful for, like what can you be grateful for at this time, maybe make a list every morning of what you're grateful for maybe the first thing you do when you open your eyes you play. Think of really like, you know, go on a gratitude rampage of like, just like looking around and thinking like little little quick things that you're grateful for. Maybe you just go journal right now and make a list. But for me, I am grateful that I get to spend more quality time with my boyfriend at home. I'm grateful for all the brilliant people in the world to are figuring this out for all the lightworkers in the world who are spreading love and faith and hope at this time. I'm grateful for all the doctors and nurses and other healthcare professionals stepping up and showing up at this time and continuing to go to work when it's probably scary. It's probably hard. It's probably disheartening, yet they're still showing up. I'm grateful for all coaches right now including myself because being able to coach myself and coach my friends and get receive coaching from other my coaches and from my friends is like being getting that support now is more important than usual. Obviously, I'm grateful to live in a safe apartment. I'm grateful for that we're on the way to recovering from this because I am choosing to believe that it's all ready done. Like what if we actually adopted the belief system of like, we're on the way to healing. This is temporary. This is going to be over soon. Everything is going to like it's all good. To make sense soon, it's all going to get better soon. We're in the process of recovering and healing and coming out of this better and stronger and it's all ready done. And that's one of my favorite phrases to tell myself when I really just want to believe something, believe in something and I just tell myself like it's already done. It's already done. And it is. And so that actually came from this book by Richard DOT's called, I believe it's called it is done. And it's really good. It's like an entire book on using that, like mantra and process of believing it's already done, and it's really really, really good. So highly recommend that book. I hope these tips help you again, like Feel free to message me on Instagram. If there's anything I can help you with. I want to be there for you during this time, I know I have reaching out to my coaches and my friends for support at this time too. And yeah, let's just all be there for each other.
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