the 3 phases of manifestation (that everyone goes through)

podcast Dec 22, 2020

If you feel like you’re not as far along as you’d like to be, this is for you (hint: it’s just part of the process).


In this episode, I'm sharing:

✧ the 3 phases of manifestation
✧ how to know which phase you’re in
✧ how to navigate each phase


At the end, I take you through a powerful meditation/visualization to get you to the next phase faster! 


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Full Episode Transcript:

Welcome to the Magnetically You podcast. My name is Madison certagen. I'm a master mindset coach and food freedom expert, you're in the right place. If you want to manifest a life that means you jump out of bed excited I have every morning, reprogram your mind for success and happiness, feel your best and become magnetic to everything you desire. For me, killing my relationship with food was my gateway into mindset, spiritual and personal development. And now I am obsessed. And I realized the same thing became true for so many of the women. I've coached through my course the subtle art of freedom and doing the inner work around food became about so much more than food for all of us. So that's what this podcast is really about that expansion, expanding that inner work to all areas of our life so that we can become the most magnetic confident versions of ourselves and achieve our biggest dreams. If you're like me, and you're obsessed with personal development, then you are going to love this podcast. So let's freakin do this.

Hi, and welcome. I'm doing a quick little training today on the three phases of manifestation or the three phases of growth. They're basically the same thing. So I'm just going to give everyone a minute or two to hop on. And then we're going to go ahead and get started. Happy Friday, by the way, I'm having literally like such a great morning I like woke up not feeling great. I was having some really funky dreams. And yeah, I just wasn't feeling great when I woke up. So I did some of my like practices, I did my hypnosis. I'm doing this, like 20 days of hypnosis challenge with myself. And today I'm on day nine. So I did that this morning. And then I went to my favorite Pilates class, which was amazing. And here I am. So I'm having a great morning. Hi, everyone. How are you guys doing? Let me know how are you feeling on this beautiful Friday morning? Hopefully, hopefully you're in a good mood like I am. But if not, I think this is going to help you turn it around. So let's just get into it. So the first phase of manifestation or Well, let me give you guys some background about why I wanted to talk about this today. So I was reading this book a few months ago by Catherine ponder, and she talked about this metaphor for growth. And I was like, wow, like this is so so powerful. And the reason I think it's so powerful is because phase two is, for most of us such an uncomfortable place to be that place where you're like in the in between or you feel like you've done the work, but you're not seeing the results yet. So like what the fuck is happening. And it really inspired me and really allowed me to really make peace of that phase of manifestation of that phase of growth where you're not exactly where you want to be. But you know, you've done the work, you know, it's on its way. So anyways, with that being said, so phase one of the manifestation, like evolution, or cycle or growth cycle literally doesn't matter, whatever you want to call it. It'll make sense once I go through it. So phase one is planting the seeds. So planting the seeds is all about deliberately choosing new thoughts and new feelings and really setting the intention for what you desire. So, you know, thinking like you have this big, beautiful garden, well, what do you want to put in your garden? Do you want weeds? Or do you want beautiful flowers, and fresh food that you can eat? Like you get to choose what goes in your garden, you get to choose the seeds that you're planting. So this phase is really all about deliberately choosing the seeds that you're planting. And know that you know, maybe maybe not all seeds will blossom into exactly what you want them to be. But what if one seed turns into a giant tree that produces enough fruit for you like forever? You know what I mean? So it's like anything can happen, anything is possible. You know, there are infinite possibilities for what you can create when you're deliberately focusing your attention on choosing the thoughts and feelings that align with the reality that you desire. So when you think about what is it, what is it that I want? And who do I need to be to create that right? Well, what would she be thinking? What would she be feeling and how can I tap into those thoughts and feelings now because those thoughts and feelings that we think we're gonna have when we get there or we reach the goal or whatever, are available to us now. And the way that we can step into that reality is by tapping into those thoughts and feelings now because our identity, our thoughts, our beliefs, our feelings, inform and drive our actions, our actions drive our results. So if we want to change our outcomes and results in life, we have to go down to that deeper layer of our thoughts and our beliefs and through changing the way you think and feel like you literally can create actual change in your reality. So some questions and things to focus on, if you're in this phase where you have, you know, maybe you're deciding what you want, and you've started planting the seeds. And you're really focusing on okay, how would I like to think and feel about this? One of the most empowering thoughts, I can think, how do I want to feel? How can I tap into those feelings? Right? So some questions you can be asking yourself is, yeah, what do I want to create? And who do I need to be to create that. And when you find yourself not embodying the thoughts and feelings that the version of you who has already achieved it would be embodying, then you take a step back, pause and ask yourself, okay, what is it that I want in this situation? Because so often we default to what we don't want and obsessing over that. And it's like, clear that out. Okay, what is it that I do want? And a lot of times they say you're like, I don't know, like, even just like a silly example, driving through traffic, and you're like, ah, like this traffic, I'm gonna be late like, blah, blah, Well, okay, you would ask yourself, what is it that I do want in this situation? Well, I would like to be on time. I would like to relax in this car ride, I would like to enjoy this car ride. And maybe I'll put on some music and and just choose to enjoy the card. Right? It's like that simple question of shifting your focus to what is it that I do want, can create, like an incentive to your energy and an incentive Jr. Energy is what creates those shifts in your reality. Because what you your external reality is a reflection of what's going on on the inside. So that's really what this phase is all about. It's all about the internal thoughts and feelings are really planting the seeds for what you're going to create in your garden, you can't plant of basil seed and expect to get a tree like, you know what it means like, what are you planting, be deliberate, choose intentionally and make it your dominant intent to look for only what feels good. So that's phase one, is planting the seeds really being intentional and deliberate with focusing your attention on choosing the thoughts and feelings that are going to serve you that are going to create the life that you want, right? choosing the seeds to put in your garden to create the garden that you want, same kind of analogy for our life. So phase two, is the nourishing phase. So maybe you've planted the seeds, but you're not seeing any results yet. And this is where most people give up. They're like, well, I planted the seeds, like what the hell's happening? Like, why isn't it happens yet. And this is the phase where the real magic happens because you become the person you need to be to be the container for whatever it is that you're calling in, and you you nurture the seeds, you water them you trust, they will be ready to harvest soon, like, you know, when you plants like say your pet planting a basil plants like it's then going to grow roots, and it's right. It's all happening underneath the surface. You can't see it, but it's happening, the roots are growing and it that's what's really happening with you is that you're growing these strong, strong roots, so that when you know a storm comes along, your harvest is unaffected, right? Like you are becoming the perfect container for that experience. And this was something that really jumped out at me from one of Katherine's in Kenya's recent podcast episodes. It's called the manifestation of a podcast she had a shaman on name's Makoto see the Royal shaman and they were just talking about how like, you know what if the universe is giving you the exact circumstances that you need in order to step into your next level like what if where you are right now what if this in between of like, I feel like I've planted the seeds, but I'm not seeing the results yet. What if that in between is the exact place you're meant to be? It's, it's molding you it's shaping you your roots are going down, so that when you do call that into your reality, you're ready, you have those roots like you're ready to hold it, you're ready to receive it, you're not going to get blown over by the wind. So hopefully this is like making sense with the analogy. Hi everyone. Welcome so many of you are joining um, thank you for being here. We're on phase two. You guys can go back and watch the recording to see the rice but I actually want to I'm going to go ahead and read you guys that Instagram post actually because it was just really powerful and I had so many people messaged me that it resonated so deeply with

Um, and I think that, you know, I would even just like, close your eyes and listen and just like allow your heart to absorb this message. Okay? So what if the universe is bringing you the exact circumstances that you need in order to expand to the next level. So for me growing up, like, I never had serious boyfriends like all of my other friends, and I felt like I would never meet my person. And what I didn't know was that the universe was preparing me for traverse so that when he came along, I was ready for him, I was ready for that level of relationship built on love and trust and like constant growth. And so now I'm so grateful. I didn't mean Trevor before, because I wouldn't have been ready for him. Like, we probably would not have been a match at that point. So of course, like, it wasn't meant to happen any sooner happened exactly as it was meant to. So when we don't get what we want within the timeline that we think we should, we were quick to think this must not be for me, or else it would have already happened. You guys can go save this post, if this is speaking to you, but I'm going to, I'm going to finish reading it. But what if the universe is bringing you the exact circumstances you need in order to expand to that next level? What if your current challenges and obstacles are the perfect experiences you need in order to become a container that can actually receive and hold what you want. So most lottery winners lose it because they haven't developed the capacity to be the container for that level of experience. So your current circumstances are preparing you for everything that you want, you're becoming the perfect container. So I hope that just like helps you feel just more at peace and more trusting if you are in this phase. And you know, like know that if you have planted the seeds in your in this place where you don't feel like you've created the results you want let yet like Remember, you planted the fucking seeds, it's coming, it's on its way to you it's happening, keep trusting this in between that you're in right now is where you're meant to be. This is where the growth happens. This is where the magic happens. And this is where you become exactly who you need to be to receive and hold that experience, whatever it is that you're calling in.

So know that it's working trust and surrender, because you planted the seeds, like nature is gonna take care of the rest for you. Like, I feel like, you know, so many of the times when I look back on like, okay, when I, you know, achieve something really big that I wanted to achieve, like, what was the what was like, the biggest difference in the core theme among all those things is that like, I decided, and I believed it was gonna happen, I trust it was gonna happen. I just knew it. I believed so hard. And it's like, when you decide and you believe it's like, nature really does take care of the rest. So look for evidence that it's working. Look for all the ways that it's all adding up for you, right? Like, when we say you plant a, like a basil plant, like I've been talking about the whole time, and you see, like, one little sprout come out of the out of the dirt. You're like, yes, my basil plant is growing, right? If you're anything like me, and you love plants, but in our life, like when we're trying to create something, you know, one little like thing sprouts up like an awesome little like, yep, piece of like progress or whatever. And we're like, ah, like it's not good enough. It's not working. That means it's not working. It's not it didn't go from like, seed to full basil plant therefore must not be working like no, like it has to grow and be nourished and be watered. And yeah, so expect that what you want is on its way to you, like expected believe it's on its way to you. I was listening to Amanda Francis, his podcast the other day, and she was saying it for her like with manifestations like patience has no place because she's not sitting around like waiting until the exams like, oh, when's it gonna happen? She's like, no, I expect it to happen, it's going to happen. And I choose to love my life as it is. Right now. And like, so much of the time we give meaning to things. And we say like, oh, like that means it must not be working like oh, shoot, you know, but how do you know how do you know it's not working? What if it is all working perfectly? And you know, it's kind of made up? Right? The if something happens, you're like, oh, that means it's not working? Well, it's made up so if we're gonna make shit up, we may as well make up stuff that's actually empowering that actually supports us in creating the life that we want to have. And so it's this phases in between is really about how can you surrender How can you trust how how can you expect and believe what is for your highest good is already on its way to you. And the dance the biggest dance of life that I am still learning is holding that. Holding the surrender, holding the trust holding the expectation that it is coming. I deserve this. It's on its way I get to have this. I get to have it all.

Believing that it's coming and accepting where you're at, right? It's this dance between, I get to have it, I want it all, I get it. And I'm also I also choose to be happy where I'm at. And it doesn't have to be either or, like, I think, you know, we live in this world where it's like, you can do this, or you can do that, but you can't, you know, it's a both reality, okay? So you can, you can surrender, and you can let go and you can love what is and you can still grow to the next level version of you can still step into the next level version of your life still expect even better and better and better to come to you. And not to believe that I've really chosen to step into that, like, the better it gets, the better gets everything just gets better, just gets better. So I would ask yourself questions like, how can I accept what is? How can I be at peace? without it? What is how can I enjoy and make the most of what is? And how can I? Like, just know and expect that everything that's for my highest good is on its way to me. So a lot in this phase, what I really like to focus on if you're in that in between where you feel like, like, why isn't it happening yet. Um, my like rituals and practices helped me so much. So things like meditation, hypnosis, tapping, anything that really gets you out of your head and into your body will really support you. So for my people who are tend to be maybe overthinker is like, I've definitely been in the past, these practices are so helpful, because they basically allow you to like, free yourself from yourself. And so these are a lot of the tools and practices I use with myself and my clients to really develop that energy of surrender and trust and acceptance of what is and the expectation that everything you desire is on its way to you and believing it is knowing that it is all working in your favor, it is all adding up and and really stepping into the belief that like my thoughts and actions are always adding up to exactly what I want. Like, what if that is to be true for you? And how will How would your life shift? If you believed that, right, like what might change for you. So the last phase is the harvest. So the harvest is when the manifestation comes when whatever you've been desiring comes into your reality, and it will arrive when you're ready for it. So this really is just everything that happens before this is all internal. It's all your thoughts, your feelings, your identity, who you believe you are everything that's going on, on the inside. And then the harvest, what brings your manifestation into reality is sometimes no action is required. Sometimes it just comes because of the it's your externally is reflecting your internal reality. And sometimes taking an action is just like the final piece to like, open the door and say, Okay, I'm ready, come in now, right? So the harvest will come when you're ready for it. And when it does, normalize it, normalize it. Of course, this happens even throughout the process, when little things happen, little winks from the universe that tell you like, this is this is good, it's on its way, like, affirm that like, of course, that miracle happened. Miracles happen to me all the time. Like, of course, if you have a business, of course, I got a new client, like that happens for me all the time, if you are trying to get like, I don't know, like, promoted everything. Of course, I got promoted, like I'm, you know, provides so much value or whatever it is for you, like, normalize it, like tell yourself like, Oh, of course that happened being that of course, energy because it's of course, of course energy that creates more certainty of those things coming into your reality. And then also to, like, appreciate a have, have gratitude for it. Because, you know, so much of the time, we want to immediately jump on to the next thing, right? Like, we're like, Okay, done it, done it, let's go next thing and we don't even like, you know, it's like no matter what we accomplished, it never feels good enough, because we're not taking the time to appreciate, emigrate for we're always on to the next thing. And we're always on to the next thing. We're never there. And it's this constant chase for somewhere that we never are, and it never ends. And it's exhausting. So know that every part of this process is beautiful. And we're constantly moving through all the different phases and cycling them again and again and again. So it's like if life is a constant, like evolution and cycle through these phases and a constant process of moving more towards what you want and appreciating what you have. It's like we may as well just enjoy it right? Like if you know it's like why live the way where it's like oui oui oui oui oui to be happy until you achieve something and then achieve it and then you feel happy for like two minutes, and you're on to the next thing like wait, I can't be happy. You can't be happy. You can't be happy and then you maybe achieve and you're like, Okay, be happy for one second, and then you're like, so why does it have to be waited a week, and then we've maybe get happiness and we still don't even feel it because we thought we would feel it. And it's not the thing that makes us feel hobbies or thoughts and feelings about the thing, right? And so it's really about focusing on how can I make the best of every moment? How can I believe it's all working for me? How can I make now the most the most magical moment? magical moment ever? So I want to give you guys an example of one of my clients who I worked on this with, and I don't sit down with my clients and say, Okay, once you said you placed in like, this is just a metaphor, an example of really kind of like the process of how we can, how we can grow, how we can manifest more of what we want into our life. So anyways, one of my clients, she came to me and was really, really stuck in self doubt and disbelief that she would ever be able to pay off her debt. And, you know, she just felt like nothing I do makes a difference. Nothing I do work. So like, why bother? I'm never gonna have a paid off, like, why bother trying anything. And I really helped her through a lot of reprogramming and subconscious work shift into the belief that all of my thoughts and actions are adding up to what I want, right? So that was her new seed, her old seed she was planting was, nothing works. So why bother bother? which literally, you're planting the seed? If nothing works, right? Then what have you? What are you going to get to then planting the seed of all of my thoughts and actions are always adding up to exactly what I want? Okay. And so then we really focus on how can we, how can we trust? How can we keep going, how can we keep believing How can we keep showing up. And that's the amazing thing about having a coach is they're there when you like, start to like, slip back down into disbelief and doubt. They're like, Oh, honey, we're coming. We're coming back up. We're raising this belief, we're deliberately choosing our thoughts and our feelings so that you're deliberately creating your reality. So we focus a lot on trusting and believing in herself clearing out those doubts. And then, of course, like, as soon as she like, really made this shift into believing like, you know what, like, I can do this, I can pay off my debt, I can make a difference. My actions do matter. My thoughts do matter. They do make a difference. I can fucking do this. Let's go. Literally, that same day, she applied for this, like side hustle gang, she'd wanted a side hustle to help her pay off her debt. The day after she applied, she got hired and started the day after that literally, like, so crazy. But no, it's not crazy. It's of course, right. It's that like, yeah, of course, that happens, like no wonder when she shifted her thoughts and beliefs on the inside. So that was one thing that happened, she got two unexpected bonuses at work was like not a normal thing. There was like a COVID bonus. And one other bonus, she had no clue she was going to be getting these bonuses at work. And then they came and because she shifted her energy, she shifted her beliefs and she opened herself up to receive she believed she was going to receive and she fucking did. So it works. I get so passionate and fired up about this because the like this is the magic is in those moments where you feel like nothing is working. Like I can't do this. And the doubt like, that's where the magic comes from. Because that's how you grow. That's how you become who you need to be. Okay. And yeah, and just the few weeks that we work together, she like paid off more of her dad moved closer to a lot of her other goals than she had in years like this stuff is so so powerful, you guys, and it doesn't require working all hours of the day. And it does require like hustling your face off and pushing and forcing and grinding, like when you really focus on choosing the thoughts and the feelings that you know are going to serve you and stepping into that version of you who's already created what you want. It just becomes who you are. And if it's who you are, then your reality shifts as an inevitable byproduct without you having to force and Hush, hustle and push like things just come to you opportunities come your boss is like hey, you're gonna get a promotion you're like what you get two unexpected bonuses that work you get hired for a side hustle the next day after you apply like a random check comes in on the mail. If you have a business you have new clients applying to work with you or whatever it is. It's just like there's so much magic in these energetic shifts and these thought shifts. So I hope that this inspired you to Yeah, really just think about what phase you're in and where can you focus your your attention that will serve you that will bring you closer to what it is that you want. And at the same time, the beautiful dance How can you accept and thel ove what is. So the last thing I wanted to do with you guys is take you through a little meditation. So go ahead and close your eyes. Hopefully you're not driving watching this video. But if you're driving, please don't do this while you're driving. Come back to the recording later if you are, but just go ahead and close your eyes, get yourself into a comfortable position.

Just taking a deep breath in. And exhale. Big breath in. And exhale. Just feeling yourself already feeling lighter, more relaxed, coming into this present moment, feeling your seat beneath you on the ground, so supported by the earth beneath you. Just continuing to take a few more deep breaths, Big inhale and exhale. Maybe you're feeling your shoulders begin to drop a little, letting yourself sink into this moment. There's nowhere else you need to be nothing else you need to do, you are exactly where you're meant to be. So I want you to now bring your focus to the top of your head. And imagine that there is a beautiful, white, bright, sparkling light above your head. And this is the most calming, relaxing, beautiful light you could ever imagine. And as it comes down over your body, I want you to just notice how every part of your body just begins to relax. So noticing the white light now coming over your forehead, smoothing out all the frown lines, all the lines in your forehead, just feeling all the muscles in your forehead, relax. Coming down now over your eyes, your cheeks, your jaw, maybe feeling your jaw bone, drop a little. Coming down. Now, the back of the head. All through your neck, just feeling every muscle in your neck, relax. Coming down now over your shoulders. Feeling your shoulders just begin to relax even more now. Coming down over the chest, all the muscles in the chest. Just relax. Coming down the stomach. Feeling your stomach, chest relaxed now. Coming down at the top of the back. This beautiful calming, relaxing energy moving down to your lower back now spreading all out to the sides from your spine. Feeling to come down through your hips now. And interior legs. Just relaxing all the muscles in your legs. Feeling like loose rubber bands in your legs now just feeling so relaxed, all the muscles in your body and in your legs relaxing now. Coming down over your knees and your calves. Your Shin bones, your ankles, your feet. And then just feeling each and every one of your toes just speaking to relax. And just notice how you're feeling now. Feeling this beautiful energy filling up your body now feel like growing brighter, lighter, more calming and more relaxing. Just feeling so good. Letting go. Just letting yourself go. Now I want you to imagine they're in a big beautiful field. The sun is shining and you feel the warmth on your face. The sky is a perfect blue. And there's not a single cloud in the sky. Nobody else is here. It's so quiet. so peaceful. Something about this place just feels magical. You feel a special energy radiating through your body You just know that this is exactly where you're meant to be. You know that there's something here for you to discover. And you're excited to find out what it is. You feel so relaxed. And so at peace, you walk around and take it all in. You see the beautiful wild flowers growing. You hear the gentle calming chirp of the birds. And you feel the warm breeze on your skin. A little ways off to the left, you notice there's a big section of the field, where there's no grass, just dirt. Next to the big patch of dirt, you see a sign that says your name. This is your magical garden. You can plant any seeds you want, and they will all blossom next year, as long as you water them and take care of this garden every day. You're so excited to have found this magical garden and you can't wait to plant your seeds. So you get in your car and you head to the store. Do you notice that at the store, all the seeds are labeled with things like get the promotion, soulmate, debt free, New York Times bestseller, freedom, happiness, love, health, money, Dream Home, first class travel, and so on. There is a seed for anything that you want. So you take your time, walking through the aisles with the seeds, grabbing all of the ones that speak to you and putting them in your basket. I'll give you a few moments now to get all the seats you want to plant. Knowing that you have everything you need, knowing your subconscious mind has no sense of time. And you can get all the seats you need as quickly as you'd like. So now that you have all the seats you need and want and you head back to the field and over to the patch of dirt. One by one, you begin pulling the seeds out of your basket and planting them. Blessing each seed with so much love so much gratitude and feeling excited about each seed that you're planting. I'll give you a few moments now to plant all of the seeds. And know that your subconscious mind can do this as quickly as you'd like. And now that you've planted all of the seeds, you feel so excited. you water them all carefully, giving each of them the exact amount of water they need. And know that your subconscious mind knows exactly what each seed needs. You look around feeling so proud of the seeds you have planted. So excited for what's to come. You head home for the day and decide to return tomorrow to check on your garden. And as you see yourself walking to the field the next day you feel a buzz of excitement. Because the sign told you that this is your magical garden. And you could even feel that for yourself. You know that something magical is going to be there for you when you get there. As you make your way to the garden, you see that all the seeds you've planted have come to life. You've run over to the I'm so excited. And as soon as you step on the dirt, you instantly step into this new reality of yours. Your dream reality, where you are the person you've always wanted to be, and have everything you desire. Look around, notice how it feels to have created all of this. Let yourself feel proud and excited about getting here. Just notice taking it all in. What are you wearing? Who are you with? What do you have? What are you experiencing? How do you feel? And what are you doing, just taking it all in, see what you're seeing here, what you're hearing and feel what you're feeling. And now they're feeling all the feelings of having everything that you desire. I want you to make that reality bigger, make it brighter. Turn your feelings up. 10 times now. 10 times happier. 10 times more free. 10 times more alive. feel those feelings rising in your body. Now, feel yourself elevating now feel your energy rising up, feel yourself feeling lighter, more free, more competent, more alive and more confident. And you realize something that you've known all along, but haven't quite been able to believe until now. And you say to yourself, I can do anything I want. I can have anything I want. I can be anything I want. And you know with unshakable truth that this is true. Taking a couple Mardi Gras, Big inhale through the nose. And exhale out the mouth. One more biggest Breath of the day, Big inhale.

And then letting it all go on your final exhale. So how was that for you guys? Yeah. Okay, I'm so glad he feels so relaxed. So good. I'm so happy. Thank you so much for being here. I, for those of you watching the recording, let me know how this meditation was for you. Let me know what came up for you. In this training. Yeah, let me know what phase of manifestation you feel like you're in and what you're going to be choosing to focus your attention on. So that's all for today. For those of you who have missed my energy makeover in November, it's now available on demand. So if you go to, it's a free three day mini course to really help you detox your mind and energy of all the shit that's keeping you stuck, feel your best and become the most confident magnetic person. You know, it's amazing. I got such such good feedback from the woman who went through that with me live and they created like just so much magic and justice three days, so I'm excited for you to go through that as well. So if you want to get that free three day mini course, go to And I will be back next week on the 17th to do a it'll be like what I'm calling a manifestation party. But basically, we're going to be setting goals and intentions for 2021 and really looking at how you can actually make your goals and intentions come to life and 2021 so I'll see you guys next week. Thank you for listening. I hope you have a beautiful weekend and I will talk to you all soon. I'm so grateful for you listening today if this resonated with you it would mean the world to me if you'd hit subscribe and leave a review on iTunes and everybody is invited to the after party which takes place every day on Instagram I medically you so come hang out with us there. And if you're really fired up about mindset, spiritual and personal development, head to to check out all the fun stuff I have going on there like my coaching, and my courses, free workshops, all the good stuff and I will see you on the next episode.

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