consciously manifesting your next level life - with Dheandra Nicolette

podcast Jan 04, 2021

I'm so pumped to have Dheandra Nicolette here this week!! She is a content creator and spiritual leader whose purpose in this life is to help other souls return to their highest self, so they can live their next level life. This episode goes deep into all things manifestation, spirituality and money and you're going to love Dheandra's super REAL personality and tangible approach to manifestation!!


In this episode, you'll learn:

✧  Dheandra's definition of manifestation
✧  The essential steps of manifestation
✧  Why identifying and removing blocks is where the real work lies (it's not always in the action)
✧  The biggest reasons why manifestation doesn't work for most people
✧  How to shift your identity to match that of the person who is deserving of what you are manifesting
✧  How to use orgasms to manifest what you want faster and easier
✧  How to align your daily rituals with the next level version of yourself


About Today's Guest:

Dheandra Nicolette is a content creator and spiritual leader whose purpose in this life is to help other souls return to their highest self, so they can live their next level life. Each week on her podcast, Manifest Daily, she shares her experiences and applications of spiritual lessons in a very easy and digestible format. No stranger to topics such as manifestation, parallel realities, quantum shifting, Akashic records and so much more, Dheandra has found that by sharing her unique perspective she’s able to peel back the layers of societal masking and return to her authentic self, while encouraging listeners to do the same.


🔮 Resources:


🔮 Mentioned in the episode:

Dheandra's IG

Dheandra's website


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Full Episode Transcript:

Hi, Dan. Joe, welcome to the magnetic podcast. How are you? I'm good. How are you? I'm so good. I'm so pumped to have you here. So I was telling you before we started recording now I found your Instagram cast a few months ago and I was like this girl like and no sir shit. And also, I just feel like you like brings such a real personality to your work and like, there's no like, yeah, there's no hiding or bullshit. You're just like, here I am. Here it is. And I like I love it so much. I'm so excited to have you here. So, for those of you who don't know what the Andrea she is a content creator and a spiritual leader whose purpose in this life is to help other souls return to their highest self, so they can live their next level life. Each week on her podcast manifest daily, which is amazing. You guys go listen to it. She shares her experiences and applications of spiritual lessons in a very easy and digestible format. no stranger to topics such as manifestation, parallel realities, quantum shifting akashic records, and so much more. And you understand that sharing her unique perspective. By sharing her unique perspective, she's able to peel back the layers of societal masking and returned to her her authentic self encouraging listeners to do the same. Wow, that is amazing. I'm like, okay, we could just end there. Like it's good enough. Um, but anyways, so thank you so much for being here. So can you tell us like, give us like the more Yeah, juicy details on your story in your journey? And like, What led you to doing what you're doing today and led you to the manifest daily? Yeah, absolutely. So obviously, I feel like everyone has this long life journey, because it's really hard to pack your entire life into a couple of sentences. But I went through a bit of a rock bottom during my college years, and actually, specifically, I went through another rock bottom right after college when I was working full time. And I found myself in a really toxic work environment. And Around this time, I'd also started to discover things like the secret the law of attraction, I was diving into this rabbit hole while I was learning more and more about just like spirituality connecting to your higher self, the fact that there's more to this world, then, you know, going to work like getting this good job making money like retiring and dying, like this timeline that I guess we're all told is the timeline to live. And honestly, it just really started with curiosity. I went down again, this rabbit home, start to learn more about this stuff. And I found myself starting a podcast in what is it 2018 I want to say 2018 2019. I always get this wrong. Because literally after 2017 My ears are just like smashed into like a one jumbo thing. And at the time, it was just sort of a way for me to get on and chat about just like a live chat about lessons I was learning was actually called the deonte Nicolette podcast at the time. And it really had no purpose besides me just like having a way to release like having a way to really like almost like a people journal. Like That was my journal I was getting on. I was talking about what's going on. I was talking about lessons I was learning. And it sort of grew from there. It turned into a podcast where as my work was evolving, and I was exploring different things like business coaching, spiritual business coaching, what does it mean to be a content creator? What does it mean to return to your higher self, I the podcast shifted with it and it became manifest daily. And from there, it sort of evolved and continued evolving and it's become this platform really, where I'm able to share the lessons that I've learned about my specific journey within spirituality but also helping others to do the same in terms of learning on their journey, and it's not just about you know, the stereo like the the magic I guess, and the spirituality it's also about the practicality of it. All right, how do we bring this back down to earth? How do we make it very practical, very, very applicable in our everyday lives? Because I feel like that's the part that a lot of people have trouble with. It's like, okay, we can connect our faith we can connect our spirituality, but how do we do so in a very, like 3d way because sometimes you get lost in the clouds. And I think it's really important to bring it back down to earth and figure out like, how do you actually manifest your dream life? Like how do you do it? Like what are the steps and I feel like this platform was developed to help bring that to people to make it less confusing, less airy fairy and more like okay, let's let's do this. Like, let's take you from A to B. Amazing. I love that and yeah, through my astrology chart, I've learned that like, I feel like I process and communicate in a way that's so airy fairy so this is gonna be good for me. You're gonna bring me back, right back down to earth. So I would love if you would share like what, what manifestation means to you like what's your what's your like, definition of like, what the heck even is it? Yeah, can I pause you for a second? Can I just grab my laptop charger? Cuz is literally go for it. No, it's all good. Take your time. I'm sorry, my battery I think happens to me all the time. And I feel like I just have to have it perpetually plugged in. So all good, my assistant can handle it. Okay, so what is manifestation to me, I'll just dive back in. So for me, manifestation really means like bringing something to life, right? When we talk about something manifesting in our life, we're literally talking about it going from an idea to an actual physical thing that's present in our reality, right? So whether you're trying to manifest a car, a certain lifestyle, partner, it's really taking that thing from an idea from a vision and bringing it like literally manifesting it into your life. And so that's what that means to me. So whenever we talk about manifestation, we're just talking about bringing something to life. And I think one of the definitions I always have to make is a definition between manifestation and conscious manifestation. So a lot of people have this sort of idea or understanding when they discover this work of like, Oh, I'm going to start manifesting, like, give me the tip, second segment. And it's like, no, like you always been manifesting, like you've been manifesting from day one, right? Because at the end of the day, we're always bringing things into our lives, whether it's experiences, people, products, situations, whatever it may be, we're always doing that work. But what it is, is about getting conscious, right? How do you actually bring something into your life into your reality and to experience that you want to actually have there? And so that's how I like to differentiate the two because we have we're always manifesting but now it's like, how do we take it to the next level? And do so on a conscious level where we're creating more of what we want, and less of what we don't want? Yes, I love that so much. So what would you say are like those like key ingredients or key steps in order to bring more of that what we want into our lives and into our realities? Yeah, I always say the first step is definitely having clarity. Because if you don't know what you want to create, like you don't know when you have created that thing. And so for me, when I've taken the time to actually create clarity and like, get very specific about what I want, because in Human Design, I'm actually a specific manifester. So for me, it's actually beneficial to get specific on the details. But I have noticed that I will create a lot of exactly what I've defined that I want. And so when I do create that, it helps me because then I'm like, oh, wow, like I wanted this thing, I created this thing, or I co created this thing with the universe rather, right. And now that it's here, it's given me more confidence in order to manifest more of what I want. So the clarity really helps in two ways, because of course, you're defining what you want to co create with the universe. And then also, when you're able to co create that thing and see it in your reality, you're able to get more confidence in your co creation process. So as you move forward, you're like, Oh, wait, I manifested this, this, this and this. So like, of course, I can have this other thing that I want. Like, it's not that big, because I did all this other stuff already. Right. And so after we get that clarity, and you're moving forward within the steps of like, taking action, because of course, action is very, very important. I talk about that a lot. Because I think that, you know, as much as it sounds cool to just like, wish and want and like sick, put something out there. I'm like, Oh, I'm gonna get it, like, Where's my Genie? It's, it's like, put in work to get that thing. Right. But then a lot of the work right is not just physical work in the 3d worlds of like, you know, going out and applying for jobs or starting the business or things like that. But it's also the work as described as a spiritual work, right. And that's the work of removing the subconscious, subconscious blocks or identifying those blocks, rather, because before you can even like, remove or go past something, or move through it, you need to identify it. So how do you actually identify the blocks that are stopping you from living the life that you want, or calling in the thing that you want? Because a lot of us we think, if we want something on a conscious level, that of course, like there's no like, we want it right? But a lot of times you can have these subconscious blocks, these subconscious beliefs that are replaying on repeat in your mind, that are essentially blocking you from the thing that you say you want so badly. So one example would be, I'm going to lay, I hope it is listen to this, but my partner, actually, sometimes I remember those one time, he said something like, you know, I don't like money, it's evil. It makes people act a certain way. And I was just like, well, like, is it money that is evil, because money is just a tool money is just this energy money is just this conduit for exchange that we've created, right? It's not enough. The money that's evil, it's that there are people who choose to make certain decisions with their money that may not be aligned with what you think is good. And so by creating this belief in his head, that money is evil, that money is the root of all evil or causes issues, he's now created a reality where sometimes money doesn't flow into his life as easily. Because essentially, for him to consciously money leads to problems. And in order for him to live a nice life without problems, that means less money, right? So it's more so identifying those blocks, and just trying to figure out like, how have those affected our life? And then how, like, are they actually keeping us safe? Right? Or are they stopping us from having what we want, and then working on how you can start to remove those blocks. I love that example so much. And it's really like, anything in life, it's just a tool. And it's like, we get to choose how we want to use it. And we get to choose our perception of good or bad and like, Is there really even a such thing as good or bad? Like, it's just like a construct in our minds that we've created? So yeah, that's really, really interesting. So on the clarity, no, like, I hear from people all the time. And even myself, like, I still, like go through this sometimes where I'm like, but I don't know what I want, like, what do I even want? And so when we're like, in that mode, like what, what would you say to someone who's kind of feels like that right now? Where they're like, Well, you know, that sounds great. But like, I don't even know what I want. Yeah, I think that's kind of a really cool place to be. Because if you think about it, it's sort of like that the whole cliche saying, like, the world is your oyster, like you can really have anything. So when you're at a point where you're kind of like, you know, blank slate, like, what do I want to create? It's kind of fun, because you can really imagine up anything, right? And so I've been there. And in some ways, I'm also there right now. Because once you get to a certain level, like your next level, you're there and you can enjoy it for a minute. And then instead of like, you have that gratitude, you're like, yes, I'm so glad I manifested X, Y, and Z. But now it's like, okay, like, life is pretty much like a game. So it's like, okay, what's the next thing I want to have? What's next? Yes. And I feel like the best way to do that is just to try things and experience things, I think with taking the action of trying things you create the clarity of what you do want. So if you are, you know, I think for a lot of people right now, this quarantine period has created a lot of space for them to experiment, right? Because even though we're all kind of going through collective, just like stress and a time of like, it's like really hard, essentially, it's also a time where we're allowed to now look at what we've created. Look at what we are creating and say, is this in line with what we actually feel good about. And I think with more time, you can again, have more time to experiment. So with that is literally just like, have fun, like pick up a hobby. If you see something and interests you, like, try it out. Like actually, a couple months ago, around the time the quarantine started, I don't know how I like got into this. But I looked up or like got into candles. And now like, I started with me just like making candles at home for fun. And now I'm like, I opened an Etsy store. And I'm like selling candles because I was just like, This is fun. And I follow that nudge of like, Oh, I love buying candles from Bath and Bodyworks why not make my own. And it's turned into something that I didn't see it turning into. But I've just followed the knowledge of like, Oh, this seems fun. I love sense. I love like DIY things. Like, why not try this? Instead of closing myself off to it, right? So if there's those moments where you're kind of like, Oh, that's interesting, or like, Oh, I want to try that. It could be a food, it could be an experience, it could be a new show on Netflix, where you're like, you know, you're you're kind of called to watch a show. And the next thing you know, you're like, Oh, I want to do that. Or I want to try that just allowing yourself to be really open and trying things and not putting so much pressure on yourself, right? Because at the end of the day, there is no, I need to do X, Y and Z by XYZ time, like you're setting that timeline up for yourself. So as long as you're open and you're like realizing again, we're gonna play we're here to have fun. We're here to learn lessons like and being open with what you're allowing yourself to experience. I think so many things can flow in that way. And I think the other thing I would say, along those lines is also allowing things to flow in and flow out right? So if I'm definitely someone where, you know, I get these nudges to do all these things, and then sometimes like a month later, two months later, I'm like over it I don't really care anymore. And I used to be so hard on myself by like oh my god I'm like so flaky like I started this thing and I'm like not into it anymore and to listen like not just have fun. Like if I'm like what is an Etsy I can't even it's like yes, I still have I can burn in my house. They smell good. Nothing is permanent. Exactly. So it's like really just allowing things to flow in and out because maybe there is a hobby. There's a problem. There's an experience that you're supposed to have for a season for a moment that will allow you to, you know, be led to another door will open it. And that will be something that's longer season. So just really, it can be open to the flow of those things and just try new things when they come up that you're interested in. I love that so much. Yeah, it's really just like, follow what feels fun and follow the nudges, like, it really is that simple. And like you said, it's like, we're always going to be going to the next level, if we are interested in growth in spirituality, then we're always going to be growing, we're always going to be stepping into the next level version of ourselves. So so much of the time we're going to be in that in between in that void of before we manifest what we want in the void of not having clarity on what we want next. And I think what you're saying is like how can we have more fun in those voids in those seasons? Where every we're bored maybe don't aren't sure what's going on? Or who we are what we're doing or we aren't just we're wondering like when the heck are manifestations coming in? It's like, so much of our life is spent in that those season. So like, how can we have more fun and enjoy this all this season? Exactly? Yeah. I love that. So, okay, what do you think are like the main i guess i blockages you would say for people when it comes to manifesting, like I know, we all get in our own way. And so like what would you say are like the most common ways we just like get in our own way, and like shut down the magic of the universe? Yeah, I would say one big one is like, not believing that we can actually create the life that we want. I think for a lot of people that is just kind of like the main one because, you know, when you come across this work, I think in some ways, for a lot of people, it can seem very privileged, because it's sort of like, you know, we have people going around, like you can have anything you want, like you can have all this money, you can do all this stuff. And then for someone who's grown up where they haven't seen a lot of money, or they've been in a place where they haven't seen people around them experiencing that sort of lifestyle, it can seem very much like okay, well, you know, like hot, like you're living a totally different life. Of course, that might sound easy for you. But for me, it doesn't. So I think in that way for a lot of people can seem very, like far fetched, like, how can I have all this money? How can I create the life I want, when it seems so far out of reach? And I think for that, it's really understanding that, you know, there are situations in life where it's not set up in your favor in your mindset, like in your view, like it looked like, there's something pushing against you or pushing you back or on there as a block or whatever that may be. But there are definitely ways that you know, and we hear these stories all the time of people who have overcome all these things, like people who have been homeless, like living in their cars, like, literally all these situations, and they come up and they create something, they create a whole different life because they allow themselves to create a new reality with their mindset first, and then they live that. And so for me, I like to look at those stories and say it is possible, right? It may not be everyone's reality, because for some people, at the end of the day, I also believe that there are some people who are here to live a life where that's not it. Like they don't get to that point. And that's okay, but they're here to learn their lessons, right. But the whole point is to understand and remember that is possible. And so by even just allowing your mind to explore the possibility of what you could create, you do open the doors of seeing more of the opportunities for that thing to be created, versus shutting it off completely and being like, Well, you know, I've grown up like that. So like, I'm not like, I can't have that life. It's not available to me, it's like, No, you've now shut it off. Like now you're saying it's not available to you. So that's what you're going to essentially create for yourself. But yeah, yeah, just like it's like, like, that's just who I am. Or that was that's just how I grew up. And that's so that's the way it has to be forever. It's like, what if you question that? What if you question if that's the way it has to be forever? What if you question if you have to be that way, forever, think that way forever? Or feel that way forever? What if you did it? Exactly. And I think it's about that, and obviously acknowledging, you know, the 3d world that we live in and acknowledging some of the collective beliefs that exist that are that do create, like certain certain struggles for other people, but also knowing that there are ways to bypass that or go round that or question that right. And if you get to a certain point, like when you have more influence, or lots of question that even louder and like create more ripple effect with your questioning. So I think it's really that I would say another one is like the money piece, right? So a lot of people with like, the money is hard to get or you have to work really, really hard to get money or money's like evil. A lot of that stuff. I think, specifically the money is hard to come by Like I grew up with that one, and there are times where I even still have to, like, really question certain things, where I find myself in a loop where that belief comes back up. Right. So I'm understanding that one if you have any beliefs around money, I think Yeah, so money like the creation piece, I would also say, like the biggest ones, yeah, no, I think so, too. And, yeah, that money is hard to come by belief, I think is so ingrained in so many of us. I know, it was for me, and then it's like, we're creating where Matt, where it's like, in many ways, we're creating and manifesting struggle and hard, because we believe it has to be that way. And our brains always want us to be right. So we've create the experiences in order to make ourselves right. And it's not like we're consciously doing this. It's like all under the surface. But we have to start like questioning. Yeah, like you said, like, just questioning, like, is, is that true? What if it could be easy? Yeah, no, I think that's the thing. And I think it's also like, obviously, you know, a big part of that is being conscious that there are factors that are subconscious, right, because a lot of us, it's like for us, you know, if you think about something like money, and there's someone who really thinks on a conscious level, like I would love more money, like I love to win the lottery, whatever they think. For them, it might be hard to understand that subconsciously, there might be a whole other story being told that's blocking you from getting that. So it's also about acknowledging that you could have contradicting stories being told about the money piece to your own self without even really recognizing it. Yeah, for sure. So for someone who has that, like belief that it really it has to be hard, it really is hard to create and attract money. Money is hard to come by, like, what advice do you have for them to be to begin dismantling and releasing that that belief mindset? Yeah, I love actually. So I don't know if you're familiar with like, Lacey Phillips, his work. Her name sounds really familiar. I think I follow her on Instagram, she has this a platform called to be magnetic. And so yeah, from expanders, which is basically kind of like, you know, people that you look up to, right. And so I always loved that term. Because I think, you know, a lot of people are familiar with her work. And you can see that and people will know what you're talking about. But I would say just sort of finding those people that are good examples of the fact that you don't have to work. Like you don't have to work yourself to always get money because at the end of the day, I think there's two different like work cards, right? There's like the work hard where someone's like, working 8090 hour weeks, like literally slaving away they come home, like all they can do is like eat, sleep, work, eat sleep work. It's like the cycle that they're in, right. And then there's the work hard, where it's like, you're doing something that you love, you're so excited about it that you're like getting up every day excited to actually go to work, like you know, your boundaries, though. Like if you start to get tired, you can be like, you know what, cool, I'll take a rest today. But you're working hard from a place of like, I actually love what I do, and I'm so so exhilarated by it, this giving you the energy to put in more energy to this thing, versus from a place of scarcity, like oh, my God, I need to like work more, more more, in order to get more money, right. So there's those two work hearts, I think it's really finding the examples of the people that are doing something that they love, they're passionate, they're, they're those people that are really working hard on something that they're very much like, you know, very much invested in from a place of like, they really love to do the thing versus looking at people who are just like working themselves to death because they believe that if they don't, they'll have no money. So sort of shifting your like your views, like where your eyes are your focus to this other group of people. And I think by allowing yourself to see more of those stories, like it becomes really like obvious that not everyone is living the work yourself death light. It's like there are people out there who are making a lot of money doing things that they love, and they're just like, like, yes, they have to work. Like it's not like they're just not doing anything. Or for them. It doesn't feel like they're grinding away because they're doing something they love. So I've just basically shifted my, my sort of viewpoint to those people. And so, one thing I love to do is like, I'm like, super into YouTube blog, so I watch a lot of bloggers. And so for them, it's like, I'll sit and sometimes I make my boyfriend watch them too. And he's like, like, we just were literally sitting there was what we were watching yesterday and he was like we're literally sitting here watch this girl Queen her stove and I'm like, yeah, it's gonna pay for her Gucci bag too. Literally like watching someone live their life and for this person. Yeah, they're doing a lot of work on the backend, right? That's what you have to remember. They're like editing they're working with sponsors are doing this, this and this, but for them font like they've created a life where they're abundant simply from living their life, right? And to see from those examples, I'm like, okay, like, there's so many options out here of how to make money and how to do it from a place of like, just enjoyment versus replace of feeling like you're being worked like a workhorse. Yeah. And I think it comes back to, like authenticity, like, when you're truly and the version of you that you know you're meant to be, then it's like inevitable that your life becomes some what you want it to be that you attract. abundance, because you're, it's like, the version of you the most authentic version of you is magnetic. Yeah, it's just the way it is. So I would actually love if you can talk about how you guys, yeah, kind of like, peel back those ways that we like, mask ourselves and really step into being like, fully and authentically you so that you can be living a life that's fully aligned with you and your soul. Yeah, so in terms of like, how we mask ourselves, right? So this can be some of the more simple ways I think we are, we are all familiar with, such as, if you grew up, and every person in your family, like your parents are telling you like you have to have a certain type of job to be successful, like you have to live a certain type of life. And so you grow up and you're thinking, well, now I gotta go to like, you know, the traditional ones like med school, or law school or whatever, but might not be that for you might be that you got your MBA or whatever you did, where you're thinking, like, you have to walk a certain path, right, in order to be successful in your family's eyes. And they're so important to you that you walk this path that doesn't feel good to you. Because you want to essentially, like have your family on your side, it can be as simple as you find yourself in a relationship that doesn't feel that great to you. But because you feel like I should settle down at a certain time, or I want to, you know, like everyone's getting married around me, like I need to do the same relationship that doesn't really feel your soul. It can also be something like starting a business that you you initially love to have so excited about it, finding that as you get deeper into this business, you're not loving it, but you stay in it, because you feel like if you don't, people will see you as a failure, like we were talking about earlier, the person that switches up completely all the time. Right. And so, really leaning into your authenticity is really just like learning to trust what you desire, like, trust what you want, and like, don't be afraid to actually, like, have what you want. Like, if you find that, again, you're working, you know, at a job that you don't like, and it's really like taking your soul and it's not two years old, because I've been in those positions. It's like, acknowledge that like it, you know, if it's not something where, because there's one thing where it's like you have a bad day at work, and you know, it's like, a bad day, everyone has bad days, maybe the next day, or you're having a good day. And maybe you just like overall like the job. That's one thing. But it's another thing to literally dread going into work every single day. And if you find that you that job is not aligned with you. And of course, like, it isn't as easy to just like quit your job, like, obviously, but like start to look for ways that you can call in more money in different ways. Maybe it's a different job or a different company, maybe it's your own business, maybe you find a way to diversify your income. Maybe you act like you're with a partner, you you lean on them for a little bit of help while you figure out what you want to do. Like there's so many different ways to figure that out. Obviously, depending on your life, you need to figure out what's best for you. But it's just like honoring what you want and I think for a lot of us are inauthentic inauthenticity Yes, there you go. It shows up as us. Us choosing to judge what we want, right instead of actually being like, I want what I want and that's it. So don't judge what you want. It's like you want it for a reason. You know? Yes. Okay, this I love all of this. And I was totally Yeah, that person who is in a job that I hated ice I what I say is like overstayed my welcome in that job for three years. I like found a journal. I didn't even journal at the time, but apparently, I guess I was like, ooh, new job, new life. I'm gonna start journaling. So I had found this journal from from a month after I started my first corporate job out of college. And I like was writing things like, Oh my gosh, like, I don't know if I can do sit in this cube forever. Like, I'm bored out of my minds, like, Is this real? Like, I just wrote all this stuff. And then I wrote it like, hopefully one day I have the courage to like start my own business because I don't think I can do this forever. And it's just so funny to look back and it's like, Those are the nudges. Those are the nudges that we need to listen to. And it's like, your soul is like when you're hitting, you're hitting your job and you feel just like that total like dread. It's like, that's your body, that's your soul speaking to you. And the way I like to think of it is like, Thank you soul for showing me what I don't want and making it so clear what i do want. And it's like those nudges will get louder. I feel like in the beginning of my corporate job, it was like that tiny little whisper through my journaling, that I had no idea that I even wrote until like, five years later, when I was like, oh, wow, that's crazy. And then I just get louder and louder, the more you ignore them. So by the end of the three years after I finally left, I had gone through this whole journey of like having eczema and chronic back pain and all these like crazy, disordered eating issues. And like all these major problems, and it was like, my soul was screaming at me being like Madison, like, wake up, you're not living your authentic life. And we're gonna keep like, sounding the alarm until you like, wake up and you start living your truth. So I so resonate with us so much. Yeah, no, that's crazy. It's like it definitely shows up. And like you said, it gets louder and louder until it's like, you will literally like Okay. Yes, exactly. And like, it doesn't always have to get that loud if we if we listen to those standards, and we listen to your intuition before then. So I love that. So I know you talked about like shifting your identity to match the person who is deserving of like, what you are manifesting? Can you talk a little bit about that? How we can get feel more worthy and deserving of our desires and let go of like, judging what we want and thinking like, Oh, well, like, I want I want a Gucci bag, but like, that's greedy, and like kids are starving somewhere else. They shouldn't want that. Like so. I'm gonna, like pretend that I want something else. So yeah, anyways, love you get to talk, dive into that a little bit. Yeah, I think when it comes to identity, especially of like, feeling deserving of something, I always kind of shifted back to like a lifestyle, right? Because at the end of the day, like the the umbrella is like really the lifestyle like so if you want like a certain car or a certain bag, like a certain partners or whatever. It really boils down to this, like whole vision of a lifestyle that you see yourself having. And so for me, it starts with first identifying like, what, where are the disconnects between my current lifestyle and that other lifestyle? Right? So if you look at something like your day to day life, like how you're living your day to day right now, where does that disconnect it for you? It's like you're at this corporate job that you hate, and you want to be an entrepreneur, like obviously, one of the disconnects is that you're at a corporate office, you haven't started the business yet you haven't stepped into the entrepreneur role fully right. Or, again, maybe it comes down to like money, you're not making a certain amount, you want to make a certain amount and this next level light, and it always start with sort of like the next level because I think I love the idea of like dreaming really big, right? But I think for a lot of people sometimes when you dream really big, it can seem very, very, like unattainable. And so it's about this in the same way we break down our big goals into smaller chunks. It's about Okay, like looking to what's that next step, instead of thinking like, Okay, next year, I'm gonna make a million dollars a year and all of a sudden, your subconscious is like, Girl that is not you, you. It's like, how can you break that down into something that seems a lot more attainable, still, like a stretch, but something that feels like, Okay, this, I can do this, I can do like that next step, right? And then sort of identifying again, the differences between your life now and that that next level life. And then when you have identified the disconnects, like what action can you take to actually go from where you are now to where you are there. So a good example, I guess, going back to the job one if you are in a corporate job, and your next level involves being a full time entrepreneur, obviously, if you haven't started the business yet, a really good step would be to identify What business do I want to start? What steps can I make to start the business legally to you know, to start my social media to create my website because if you want to be the full time entrepreneur, like you have to have the business right so you got to start taking steps towards that like that's that action, the inspired action. Or it's like if you for me, one of my things is like like basically look around my health right because in every vision that I have, I like my next level sells like she's really on her fitness game or she's not she loves her ice cream sell because trust me, I seem like a lot. What's your flavor on chocolate chip cookie dough from the turkey Hill brand? It's okay, I'm a bluebell cookies and cream kind of girl but I'm gonna have to try it. Bella brand? Yeah, blue Bella is a brand and I mean, and cookies and cream. They're like cookies and cream. It's like my family was making fun of me last time because they were like, let's go get ice cream. Like, let's go. To Dairy Queen or Sonic, and I'm like no, like, we need bluebell and they're like shut up here obsessed. Like is that the grocery store? Because I would love to I love cookies in Queens I'd be down to try. Yeah, it's at like the more the most like mainstream grocery store, go there and you'll probably find it. Okay. I also love cookies and cream too. And I mean, I just love ice cream. So me too, let's we should mix them together your cookie dough with cookies and cream. fryers one like that, where it's like, they've mixed their Oreo one with like a chip. So boy, like cookie one in the same tub. It's like half and half. It's really good. chum, I will have to try it. Okay. So what am i things is like around health. And so for me that was sort of identifying like, Okay, in this next level life, like I have a schedule where I start my mornings with the workout, and so on, like in order to really align with the self that feels deserving of that reality. Part of that, for me means creating a schedule where I really prioritize fitness for myself prioritize moving my body because it's about, you know, keeping my physical health like on par, it's about how moving my body in the morning really helped me to actually go into a very productive day, it's about the fact that when I move my body in the morning, I tend to wake up earlier. So now I'm getting a lot more done closer in the morning. Like it just has like such a ripple effect on my entire day that I'm like that is something that's clearly a priority for me and something that my next level self knows. And so she doesn't often so for me, I need to do that now. Like instead of just, you know, sleeping in a wakeup or reading times, I'm going to set this alarm, I'm going to take my dog out, I'm gonna fall this morning routine where I go up to the gym, after I workout, I come down, I have breakfast I and I go into this whole routine of my day. And so like that's one shift you can make, right? So again, identifying where you are now, where you want to be, what are some disconnects that you see between that? And how can you like brainstorm certain actions that you can take to get you to that next level. And not every single action, or not every single thing is like you are completely in control. Because obviously we're co creating with the universe, right. And so for something like an income goal or something like that, you can do all the steps in the world, but maybe your income your your like the income up level is meant to come through a certain way. So maybe you're applying for jobs, you're applying for jobs, you're applying for jobs, and you're not getting anything, but maybe that's really meant to push you in the direction of like, start your own business. And then you decide to go that direction, all of a sudden, the universe opens doors for you to like meet all these amazing dream clients that you land. And and you work towards that you build your business up. And you're all of a sudden, like, in that next level life much sooner than you thought because you allowed yourself to be open to entrepreneurship as a reality for you. So yeah, that's like basically kind of like a high level of like how I kind of move from that and shift my identity because it really just starts with identifying who is that person and the next level? And how can I really step into that right now? I love that so much. And yeah, you really are really good at bringing things down to earth that was like so clear in your example, just made so much sense. And it's like, yeah, how can we like, structure is not the right word, because it's like, gives off the vibe of control. But it's like, how can we like, create our life now in a way that sets us up to step into that version of ourselves? Like, how can we be that version of ourselves now? Can we think that way? Now, can we act that way now? And when we do, it's like that reality becomes inevitable? Because it's who you are. It's what you believe you deserve? And it's who you believe you are? And you're like, it's just like, yeah, this is it. This is, this is what my life gets to be. Mm hmm. So, okay, what was I gonna say? I had another question about them trying to remember. And maybe it'll come back to me. Okay, so I have, we're gonna shift gears a little bit and get into a juicy question I have for you. So I saw on your blog that you have a blog about manifesting using orgasm. So can you tell us more details about how we can do that? Yeah, so this is a fun one, because I made a pin and literally, like, most clicked pin I've ever made in my life. But essentially, the idea is that, like sexual energy is very, very powerful. So it's about sort of like, using the sexual energy to create to manifest, right, because I think for a lot of us at the core, sex is really a creation tool. It's about creating life, right? But if we sort of shift our understanding about sex into the fact that sex doesn't have to include two people, it could also be by yourself. And then also sex is a creation tool of not just life, but your manifest, like breathing life into the things that you want to manifest. So the idea is that when Ever, you're engaged in a specific session where you're kind of Queeny, like a manifestation session. So you wouldn't want to do this just like, randomly, I want to plan around it almost like a self care day where you would plan out like, Oh, I'm gonna do like my facial, I'm gonna do my nails, like, please have a nice little session, right. And this could be something where you're doing it individually or with a partner, but I suggested Adrian with doing this with a partner, your partner also knows what you're doing and that you're not, you know, affirmations. Essentially, and you have this idea of something that you want to bring forth, and you want to call in, and as you're experiencing your orgasm, you're sort of like pulling that image into your head, you're thinking about it, you're visualizing, essentially, if you feel comfortable, and you feel if you feel called to, you're sort of repeating affirmations. So it could be something like if, for example, like you and your partner are trying to manifest a house right? At the time that you're both having the orgasm, whether it's at the same time, or sort of individually, like they have, first you have a first whatever that may be, you're sort of thinking about this house, they're seeing you and then like, you know, opening the doors for the first time with your brand new set of keys, you're like, seeing like, I can't wait to be in this house with you, you're imagining cooking, like you're imagining whatever scene that feels really, really good to you, like, maybe you're cooking on your brand new stove, maybe you've just like picked up some pots and pans or something from Target, and you're bringing them home, like, whatever that looks like for you. Or maybe, um, if you're calling in more money, you could try something like manifesting you going to the store and like buying something that you really want to buy something super Luxe, something you're treating yourself, you see the numbers on the screen, as you hand over your credit card, you're like, Here you go, and you're just like, and really just imagining what it feels like to walk out of that store with this purchase that you've been dying to make, and you're so excited about it. So whatever it is that you're manifesting, just really allow yourself to bring forth and call in a beautiful visualization of you experiencing that thing, at the same time that you're experiencing your orgasm. So whether this is like you're really taking that sexual energy and like shoving it into the manifestation. And it's sort of like putting a little extra oomph of power behind it. Because as we know, visualization is really, really powerful. But essentially, you know, as you're doing this with sort of being sexually charged, it's like, imagining it like you're putting extra batteries into your your manifestation or into your visualizations, you're putting extra power extra into it. And so it's a really fun tool, I think, you know, there are so many tools when it comes to manifesting, like, visualizing scripting, you know, using your orgasms, whatever that may be. So it's really about finding, like the right tool kit for yourself. Like, it's just like, Okay, do I want this and this or this, and this, this and this. And so this is something where, you know, like, I mean, I'm sure, like, do your own thing, like, obviously, but I would say like with any other manifestation tool, similar to this one, it's not about being obsessive, it's not about doing this all the time. Like every time you're engaging with your partner with your soccer like, Oh my god, it manifests. It's like, it's like, you know, do it whenever you feel called to. But again, another key with any sort of tool that you're using with manifestation is to not be obsessive to be to be chill about it to know that once you put it out there, it's coming to you kind of like just chill, wait for that knowledge, wait for that. And smart actually wait for those open doors. And just know that once you've put it out there, it will be coming back to you whether it looks like what you think it will look like or whether it looks a little bit different, but even better. Yes. And like, it's really just comes back to that idea of like, having fun and doing what feels good. Like, it's that simple. We don't need to do all the things we don't need to overthink it. We don't need to get it perfect. We just need to like follow what's fun, follow feels good. And like, we will be supportive. Everything will be fine. Okay, I love that so much. And it's so funny that we're having this conversation because yeah, through like quarantine and COVID. And everything going on in the world. Like it's been like a really, really, really powerful opportunity for growth for my boyfriend and I and we live together and I was already working from home, but now he's also working from home. So it's like, close quarters. I'm like on my podcast all the time. He's on his calls all the time. I'm like, close your damn door, be quiet, like the whole thing. And it's brought up so many opportunities for growth. And I was telling one of my friends who I like talked to everything about recently that like I do, I do so much personal development and inner work geared towards like business manifestations and my own like personal growth and development and I've kind of like lost sight of the intent of bringing that intention into my relationship. And so I've been kind of like having this epiphany the last few days like what will happen when I like truly bring that intention to like to my relationship and it's like I was telling my friend I'm like I just have this like weird nudge that by doing doing the work and my relationship and by like showing up as the version of me that I want to be like, when I think about like, five years from now, like our relationship like, what does that look like? Who are we being? How are we feeling? How can I step into that version of me now it's the same. It's the same kind of process in all areas of our life. And I've been just like having this nudge that like, the more I do this in my relationship, the more I'm going to become magnetic to everything else in my life that I want. I've just been like, having that nudge that like, it's like that you're like, you vibrate at the frequency of love. And it's like, just with a partner or with yourself, but it's like that vibration of the frequency of love is what makes you magnetic to everything you want. And so like, even like outside of having an orgasm, I think that vibration still like exists and still can be created and still makes you magnetic to like, everything else that you want. It's so cool how embodying that energy in one area of your life translates to all other areas of your life does, it really does, because like you said, it's like you bring it into one area of your life, but in working on yourself and trying to become your best self for even just like one area, like your relationship or even your career, it's like, you end up bringing your best self to the other areas, like at the same time. So at the end of the day, it's like within your best interest to just really like work on yourself and focus on like, how do I become a better person? How do I get to know myself better, so I can show more authentically, so I can like just again, become more magnetic. And I think again, it just like resonates in so many areas of your life that you find yourself calling in all the things almost like, like a windfall of at once because you are doing this work. Yes, it starts like rapidly expanding and it is that's Yeah, that's really what I experienced with my like journey with my relationship with food. I was like, oh, like focusing on the person I want to be and the beliefs I want to have and the thoughts I want to have, like, I can do that with stuff outside of food. I can do that with my relationships, my business money, everything. Like Wait, what? Like I can create anything that I want in my life? Like, it's so amazing. And we can so I would love to hear from you about what your like daily rituals are to stay in this like magnetic fun feel good energy. Mm hmm. Absolutely. So I would say that routine that I mentioned earlier is like super important to me. I feel like when people talk about morning routines, I think one of the important things to kind of hold is that it's okay to be flexible with the morning routine and find what works for you. So I've been like playing around. So I we were talking about this earlier, but I moved to New Jersey in June, which is crazy as last season tumber I cannot believe I've been here five months already. So I moved here. And with this move, it was sort of like I was kind of shake chicken, chicken. I everything has just been like tossed over at the start over my routine because I was so used to living at home getting like a rhythm. Obviously my parents once I'd moved back from school, and also a quarantine, like that was a new rhythm. Because now it's like my mom was home, my father was more home as well. And it was like getting used to that whole new dynamic. And so moving here, it was actually my first time living with my partner. And before that we'd been in a long distance relationship. And so that was really, I talked about it on the podcast all the time, because that was actually really, really hard. Especially because I'm also an only child. So I'm so used to like my space. And it's all good. It's all good. Do Not Disturb on but it like somehow sometimes doesn't work, but so I'm used to my own space. And when I moved in here, it was sort of like, okay, now there's this really small space that we have to share together. And we're also not used to sharing a space together for like 24 seven, because now we're in would have like really long vacations and stuff before but it was always like, we'd be going out we'd be going to dinner, we go into the mall, we'd be going out into the world and being able to get back home to the Airbnb as like a home space. And that was so fun. And now it's sort of like, Okay, now we're confined. It's really small space. 24 seven. But that being said, my routine has been something where it's like very, very ritualistic for me and that I'm able to sort of craft a routine that feels really good to me. So it really starts with, I wake up at a certain times my dogs here now with us and I wake up I take him out. That's sort of the time when I listen to podcasts. It's kind of like my early morning, just time for me. I'll bring my headphones down. So usually I'll call my mom when I first go out there because I love to kind of chat with her in the morning, see what she's up to for the day. And then I'll listen to a podcast while I take more To walk, I listened to a lot of self development business podcast. But I've also been listening to kind of more fun podcasts too, as well. Or it's fun to listen to like true crime. So it's not find it very interesting, or just for casual podcast because I really been trying to lead into, I don't, I don't want to click. I'm working all the time. And sometimes when I listen to all the business stuff all the time making it feel like okay, I'm like working all day. Don't listen to podcasts, I come back up, I do my gym. So that's kind of again, part of me stepping into that next level me, so I'll go to the gym. I've been spinning a lot lately. I like never used to understand spinning, I just why are people what is it so hard. So fun, though, like I haven't Yeah. And I found that like, the regular bike actually hurts my knees. But the spinning bike is really, really nice for my knees. So I'll do spin, I'll do weeds on, come back down. Sometimes I'll do like a green juice, I got a juicer. So that's also been part of like my next level life me like she's lemon juice in the morning. She's just living her best life, like juicing and spinning. And in the shower again, I like usually tune into a podcast. And then from there, it's really about starting my day. So a lot of times I like to start off with just kind of like checking my calendar, I'll go through client work, I do that. And I sort of just like have a day where I'm really like, I like to structure my day, my week on Sundays. So I know what's coming up. Because for me, part of my next level life and part of like, part of me feeling good is really I do like a little bit more structure to my days, especially because I work for myself. And so now it's sort of like all the structure of an office is gone in that way. So I have to keep that for myself. And it helps me to feel a lot more like open to inspired action, because I know that like, all my other stuff is planned, if that makes sense. So I go through like whatever I have for the day, of course, leaving it open to flexibility if I need to, like if I'm like, I had a real, I don't feel like doing this right now I kind of want to do this or do whatever like comes to me, if I want to kind of switch on my schedule a little bit. And then usually around the evening time is when I'll do some reading. I'll do some journaling. I got this, what is it call this an app called good notes for iPad. And so I've been doing my journaling and the iPad actually, because like I like to switch up like the colors of like the pen and stuff like that, in a way for me to kind of like do journaling, but like make it more interactive. And sometimes I like draw in there and stuff like that, or sometimes not even going to procreate and like draw. So my evenings time is really like about relaxation of watch, like blogs in the evening. That kind of stuff. And then typically, before bed, I love to kind of like chill in bed a little bit like before I have to go to sleep. So I like to go in a little bit earlier these nights and just kind of like chill, like talk to my partner, or just kind of like go and just watch some more vlogs on my own or just like go and just like chill, kind of like, scroll on Instagram, whatever I really want to do in bed, I'll do that. And so that's kind of our routine. So really, it's about that structure. For me, it's about during the work days, I'm doing work tasks, doing tasks that I feel like are really aligned with that next level life and are really aligned with whatever it is I'm trying to manifest and bring to life. So I'm making sure I'm putting like actual conscious energy into those things into those manifestations. And then it's also about just allowing for a lot of time for rest and relaxation throughout the day. So I don't ever like to feel super overworked. So for me, it's about, you know, if it's two o'clock in the afternoon, and I'm feeling really, really burnt out and feeling really tired, I need to take a break. I honor that. And I do that even if I have something set for two, as long as it's not like a call as long as it's not something where I really can't move it. I'll allow myself to sort of like lean into that like rest because I created a life I wanted to create a life that had flexibility, right that had time where I can rest at 2pm on a Wednesday. And so I've created that and so now it's time for me to really honor that by taking the time to rest on a on a Wednesday at 2pm if I need to. So it's really a lot of my routine. And of course like built into it is like the new moon and full moon rituals, which I love to do like around the new moon and full moon. I was gonna ask you about this. Can you share one of them when this the next or the next couple like full moon? Full Moon tomorrow? Well, this they'll they'll know for next time because this won't be live tomorrow. But for next full moon date. Well, like I would do like a quick Google search. And then I also follow this. What is her name? It's like Astro girl or something like that. I'm either Astro or actually I'm one of them is Ashoka And there's another girl like Astro something, the Wonder astrology. So I basically am subscribed to them. And so what they do is like they post videos around the new and full moon, which is sort of like the ENERGY UPDATE there. And typically, I'll do like around the new moon, I basically love to script. And this is also something I do at the start of the month to say, like whether it's a full moon or a new moon or rockets lined up for the month, I always sit down and think about what I want to create for the month and just be super intentional. And on the last day of the month, I always look back at what I wrote. So today, actually look back at what I wrote for the month of August and kind of like, what were my goals? What were the things I want to manifest? What are my intentions about how I want to feel throughout the month, like how was that made you like a little bit of reflection at the start and the end of the month. But the new moon is really a time where I sit and I journal out like what I want to create for the next new moon period. And I kind of do sometimes I'll Sage sometimes I will pull tarot cards, if I want to just as like an ENERGY UPDATE for myself, like I'll do like a whole reading for myself usually. But really, the scripting is like the big important piece there. I also love to do kind of like an energetic shower, where I just kind of like do kind of like a meditation in the shower, where I show the magic myself be open to these manifestations, things flowing in whatever happened in the last month be washed away from me. So it's more so like, again, like a shower meditation, I don't typically listen to any music or anything. I just don't listen to anything. Because I just told that's so funny. You say that because yesterday, I was talking to my mom and she like wanted to, like let go of some emotions. And I was like, and we were like talking through it. I'm like, the talking is not helping. I'm like, okay, here's what you're gonna do. When she was like, I'm gonna go take a shower, I gotta go. I'm like, Okay, good. When you get in the shower, the water is running over you imagine all of those negative feelings washing away, washing my washing away, going down the drain. And I actually like did it myself after I had the inspired idea to tell my mom, I did it myself last night. And he like, it felt so good. And it literally took three minutes of standing in the shower and setting that intention. And it's so helpful to like, visualize, like, you can kind of feel the water brushing it away because there's something running down your body, you know? Yeah, that's exactly it. I love to do that. I actually like what I'm feeling so called to get fresh Eucalyptus for my shower, to put it like you can use essential oils and stuff like that. But literally, I'm getting this call to just get like a fresh, like a bunch of eucalyptus and hanging over my showerhead. So that's also something I've been randomly searching on Etsy for to find a star but I feel like okay, like I want to get Eucalyptus from you went to Trader Joe's didn't have any. So that was a little sad. But usually they do. I know I went and I'm like, there's a bunch of flowers, like they're gorgeous, but there's no Eucalyptus. So Oh Moon is kind of a similar thing, except for the full moon, it's more so about releasing. So I always like to write kind of like a script of what I'm releasing. So very similar to what we're doing in the shower, but essentially on paper and then I'll burn the paper. So I like rip it up, I love to burn it, literally release it. And then sort of because I'm now in an apartment, it's even more like awkward to do this, but the ashes go out the window as sort of like a just a full releasing ritual. And then again, you can follow up like the shower and stuff like that, if that feels like really aligned with you that feels good. Or again saging and just kind of like clearing the house energetically with Sage or I know some people will use Palo Santo or at least some people even just use like a Palo Santo spray if they don't really want to smoke which I understand especially for like apartment or if you just don't want to purchase any Sage or Palo Santo you can buy the spray. But those are some things that I love to do but that's kind of like infused into the month and then they're just random days where I'll just do card pools or I know just like random stuff throughout the day I love that you have this like beautiful balance between like yes structure and yes having your daily rituals but also like so much space and freedom and flexibility to like allow and like what you need that day. Exactly. Yeah, because I feel like that's the part of life that we're supposed to have fun with. It's like if you can create what you want like why force yourself to feel like you have to do something and so that's why I never tell anyone that I work with that you have to journal you have to like find the tools that like you feel called to and then have fun with that like you can do it you know consistently like obviously anything that you do more consistently you kind of get better at but for you consistently could be once a month consistently for someone else can do once a week consistently for someone else. Yes, such a good point for you. And for me, like I've just been kind of like experimenting with that flow for myself and what tools that I use because I really do love scripting. That's kind of been like my go to tool I love to write. But, um, lately I've been leaning a little bit more into visualization, especially like before bed, I love to kind of just like, let my mind wander and visualize them that way. But it really could change with any season. But just being open to those changes and being open to knowing that you can use any tool, it's not the tool that makes or breaks your manifestation. It's really like your perception of the tool, and also just the way in which you believe that you're using the tool. Yes. And if you believe you have to have every single tool every day, all the time, no matter what then like, that's like the reality that you're creating. But if it's like, yeah, it's like, we can just like we can just let go of all that and flow and feel good and have fun. Okay, so this has been amazing. Thank you so much for sharing all of your wisdom and magic with us where well, let me first ask you, is there anything else you want to share? That's like on your heart, anything you feel like we missed that you want to talk about? No, I think we left off on a really good note, we're just talking about like being open, right? And the fact that you don't have to use all the tools and do all the things. Because again, it's not about like the bells and whistles. When it comes to manifesting, you're doing this already. It's more about getting conscious about that process, and really choosing to create the process that works for you, when it comes to consciously manifesting what you want. It doesn't have to be you using a certain set of tools or anything like that. So I love that we left off on that point. That's a good one. Yes, so perfect. And like sums up really the whole conversation. So where can we find out more about you and hang out with you? Yeah, absolutely. So on Instagram, like all the time, at the manifest daily. And then I also have a website, the manifest So I have, like you mentioned blog posts on there. I also have an email newsletter that people can sign up for I send out emails around once a week. And there's also the podcast episodes there. And people can also learn more about my membership and any upcoming programs. I'm actually in the middle of testing out a masterclass experience called your next level life where we're literally curating an experience that's really all about taking you from where you are now to whatever that next level is for you. Right. So defining it, creating what it actually looks like and then actually stepping into my next level. Amazing, thank you. We're gonna link it all up in the show notes. And if this episode resonated with you guys screenshot it, tag us on Instagram, let us know how it impacted you send us a DM we would love to hear from you. But thank you so much Dr. Dre. Thank you

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