Learn how to apply manifestation and the law of attraction to intuitive eating to help you make peace with food and your body!
Alright, before you go thinking I am twisting the purpose of Intuitive Eating, hear me out.
I used to think you had to go to church every Sunday and pray to be “spiritual”….which i’ll be honest, never really resonated with me (nothing wrong with it if it does for you).⣠I noticed, though, as I went on the journey to making peace with food and my body, it opened up this more spiritual side of me.
The more I connected with my intuition, the more spiritual I felt. As my freedom with food and my body expanded, it opened up room in my brain for this part of me.
Learning to listen to my body taught me how to listen to my soul and intuition.
It’s hard to put into words, but coming back into my body (after years of ignoring its innate wisdom through restriction, health obsession, diet trends, etc) really felt like a spiritual experience to me. So for me, yes, intuitive eating IS spiritual. So I’d be remiss if I didn’t share what I’ve learned about manifesting and the law of attraction with you and how it can apply to healing your relationship with food and your body.
Manifesting is basically bringing something into your physical reality through your thoughts, feelings and beliefs. What we think, feel and believe, we attract into our lives.
So for example, if you choose to believe you can have a happy, healthy relationship with food and your body, then you’ll likely take actions and think thoughts that support you in having that. But if you believe you’ll never love your body and that you have to control your food to be healthy, then you’ll like sabotage the trust between your mind and body. So it’s about choosing thoughts and beliefs that serve us and make us feel good, because that’s the kind of energy that will allow us to feel free around food and our bodies.
I’m going to summarize my 8 steps to manifest anything you want and we’ll talk about how you can apply each step to making peace with food and your body.
When we’re grateful for what we already have and what is to come, we give off high vibe energy which attracts more of what we want in our lives. Instead, if we complain about what we don’t have, we give off negative vibes which creates resistance and closes us off from the manifesting process.
How to apply gratitude to making peace with food and your body:
We can only manifest what we have the space to let in. How can you make more space in your life for what you really want? What are you holding onto that you need to let go of to make room for something new? Maybe old belongings that don’t bring you joy anymore, maybe unfulfilling relationships, maybe the clutter in your house, maybe limiting beliefs that are no longer serving you, etc.
How to apply making space to making peace with food and your body:
Get really specific about what you want; try to visualize and feel it clearly every day. What does it feel like? What does it look like? How does it make you feel about yourself? What else is the experience like? What does your ideal relationship with food and your body mean to you?
How to apply writing and speaking your desires into your reality to making peace with food and your body:
You are responsible for your vibes (your energy). Tune into what makes you feel good (raises your vibe) and what doesn’t feel good (lowers your vibe). Choose to do more of what feels good.
How to apply surrounding yourself with positivity to making peace with food and your body:
Who do you need to be to have what you want? What do you need to believe about yourself to be true in order to manifest it? If you already had what you want, how would you feel? How would you act? What would you say/do/think?
Constantly ask yourself, what would the future version of me who already has this do/say/think? Then actually do those things and be that version of you now.
How to apply embodying the future version of you to making peace with food and your body:
What needs to happen in order for you to have what you want? Inspired actions aren’t just random actions; they are actions aligned with who you REALLY want to be and how you REALLY want to feel. What are the little steps you need to take to get what you want? What new habits and rituals can you practice that will help you align with what you desire?
How to apply taking inspired action to making peace with food and your body:
Trust that if it’s meant to be it will happen, trust that the universe is conspiring in your best interest. See if you can hand over your desires to the universe, god, or whatever you believe in. I’m not saying let go in the sense of giving up, but more so be at peace knowing what you deserve and that your worth isn’t dependent on if you get what you want exactly as you planned it.
How to apply surrendering and trusting in the divine timing to making peace with food and your body:
You are manifesting all the time without even realizing it. Try to become aware of what’s showing up for you and what you are attracting into your life. Look around you and notice what you’re manifesting every day without even trying. The best way to do this is gratitude, which brings us right back to step 1. The more you become aware and grateful of what you are attracting, the more you can attract what you want.
How to apply cultivating awareness to making peace with food and your body:
The more you practice these manifestation steps, the more natural and intuitive it will become. Same with making peace with food and your body. The more you practice giving yourself permission to listen to and trust your body, the more intuitive it will become.
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