Finding Alignment When Your Job Feels Out Of Alignment

alignment podcast Sep 26, 2024

Many of us have been there—stuck in a job or situation that feels out of alignment. Maybe it pays the bills or funds things like courses or travel, but it doesn’t feel like “the one.” You may even ask yourself, “Is it possible to make progress with alignment if I’m in a job that feels so out of alignment?”

Yes, it is absolutely possible to find alignment in circumstances that feel misaligned.

In today’s post, we explore how to uncover alignment in a situation that doesn’t seem to fit and why you don’t need to wait for the stars to align externally before you feel at peace internally.

How to Uncover Alignment in Misaligned Situations

Honor Your Feelings

It’s okay to feel out of alignment with your job. Your feelings are valid, and you don’t need to deny or dismiss them. However, you don’t have to stay stuck in resistance forever. Recognizing your feelings is the first step toward shifting your experience.

The two key ways to uncover more alignment in your life

There are two forms of alignment: internal and external. External alignment might look like quitting your job or making life changes that bring you more joy. Internal alignment, however, is about releasing emotional blockages so you can find peace, no matter the external circumstances. When you release emotions that keep you feeling stuck, you can experience alignment from within, even if your job or life situation doesn’t change immediately.

1. Internally: Surrender & Make Peace With What Is

Finding internal alignment means surrendering to the present moment and making peace with where you are. This doesn’t mean resigning yourself to the situation forever—it means allowing yourself to experience peace now. Each time you feel resistance or negative emotions, acknowledge them, feel the sensations in your body, and let them dissolve. The more you release, the more aligned and peaceful you’ll feel, regardless of your job or circumstances.

2. Externally: Make Changes Or New Choices To Make It More Aligned

While working on internal peace, you can also make small external changes to bring more alignment into your daily life. Choose actions that feel most aligned to you, given your current situation. Maybe this looks like taking breaks, lighting a candle while working, or having a conversation with your boss. Sometimes, it’s the little things that make the biggest difference.

Alignment is always “given what is” 

Given what is, given that you don’t feel a clear knowing to leave yet, given that this job is paying the bills, what feels aligned? 

This is a great question to ask yourself throughout your workday: given what is, what does alignment look like now?

Pay attention to when your brain tells the story you “have to” do something NOW. For example, maybe your brain is saying you have to answer a certain email now (but does it really have to be NOW like right this moment?). Play with fine tuning when it’s aligned to just answer the email while dropping any resistance as best you can OR see what happens if you drop the task for now and see if it flows better at a later time. 

What's in your power now to make it more aligning? 

Ask yourself: What is in my power now to make this more aligned?

Are there little things you can do like light a candle while working, take walk/meditation breaks, make or bring a really yummy lunch, etc? Or “bigger” things like have a conversation you know you need to with your boss or anything else you inner voice is nudging you to? When it doesn’t feel like there’s anything that could make it more aligned, there’s likely stuck emotions that need to be released. Releasing IS alignment :)

There’s nothing more freeing than allowing yourself to release the emotional resistance that’s weighing you down. When you clear that energy, you make room for peace, regardless of what’s happening around you.

How Do I Know When It’s Time To Quit?

As far as if and when it’s time to leave, my inner voice always says “you’ll know when you know when you know”. In the meantime, I’d treat it like a game…"let’s see what happens if I do my best to release as much as possible and get as aligned as possible while I’m here. Since I'm choosing to stay for now, let’s see how aligned I can get with this job."

Ask Your Inner Voice For More Clarity

If you’re feeling out of alignment with your job or life in general, try asking yourself these questions to reconnect with your inner voice:

  • What do you want me to know about this situation?
  • What would you have me do?
  • Why does the mind think it’s out of alignment?
  • Do you think the job is out of alignment?
  • Why or why not?
  • Is it possible to find alignment with the job?
  • What would help?
  • What else do you want me to know?
  • How will I know when it’s time to leave?

Remember, it’s okay to feel out of alignment with your circumstances. It’s okay to want things to change. It’s okay to not accept what is just yet. You’re allowed to feel everything you’re feeling.

Trust The Process

For me, I once attached my self-worth to my business success. I thought I needed to hit certain milestones to feel good about myself. But I found that even when I reached those goals, the joy was fleeting. The real shift came when I began to release the emotions that made me feel like I wasn’t enough without that success. Over time, I discovered that peace had nothing to do with what I achieved—it was always available from within.

So if you feel like there’s so much to release, trust that it’s a process. It might take time, and it might feel never-ending at points. But with each emotion you release, you’ll come closer to that internal freedom, and when you’re free inside, everything else becomes icing on the cake.

Whether you’re in a job that feels misaligned or in any situation that seems hard to change, remember that alignment comes from within. You don’t have to wait for external changes to feel better. You can start by releasing what’s weighing you down right now.

If you enjoyed this blog, I’d love to hear from you! Please leave a comment sharing how this post impacted you. Until next time, keep finding (or shall I say, uncovering) your alignment, one release at a time.

If you’re looking for support in releasing stuck emotions or connecting with your intuition, I’m here to help! Feel free to reach out or book an inner voice session for personalized guidance.

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