How to Balance It All (Without Trying So Hard)

If you’ve ever felt torn between all the things—motherhood, work, relationships, home, self-care—you’re not alone. The mind loves to take it upon itself to figure it all out, to balance it all, to create the perfect plan for how everything will get done. It wants to mentally solve for every piece of the puzzle, push things into place, and force an outcome.

But here’s the thing: that’s too big of a job for the mind.

The Mind Can’t Balance It All

The mind doesn’t trust that things can flow naturally. So it tries to manage everything—mentally running through to-do lists, stressing over how to fit it all in, and spiraling into overwhelm. It swings between extremes:

  • “I need to get everything perfectly balanced.”
  • “There’s no way to balance it all, so I have to let everything go completely.”

This happens in motherhood, in work, in life. If you’ve ever found yourself thinking, How do I keep it all together? How do I make it all work?, know that you’re not alone. And also, know this: it’s not the mind’s job to figure it all out.

There’s an Easier Way

Instead of trying to mentally balance everything, what if the only thing you had to do was come back to center?

Prioritizing your inner alignment—over forcing, pushing, or overthinking—creates the clarity and flow you’re searching for. When you slow down and reconnect with yourself first, the right next step naturally becomes clear.

It’s not about trying harder to find clarity. It’s about releasing what’s blocking the clarity that’s already there.

The Snow Globe Analogy

Imagine you’re inside a snow globe, and all of your thoughts, tasks, and responsibilities are the swirling snowflakes. The mind tries frantically to catch every single snowflake—grasping for solutions, worrying about getting everything done, trying to hold onto it all at once.

But what if you didn’t have to catch every snowflake?

What if you only needed to catch the now snowflake—the one that naturally lands in your hand now?

The mind resists this level of trust. It wants to control everything. But when we let go of the need to figure it all out and instead choose to come back to center, life flows effortlessly.

What This Looks Like in Practice

The other day, I let go of trying to balance everything. I made it my priority to come back to center first. Then, I just followed what felt natural in the moment. And without effort, I:

  • Made and ate lunch when I was hungry.
  • Went for a cappuccino (which led to a spontaneous and joyful walk).
  • Planned the workout class I teach with ease (instead of forcing myself to do it at a set time) and created the playlist in minutes (when it usually takes much longer).
  • Found the perfect new workout clothes in five minutes (instead of over-researching and overthinking).
  • Booked a floating session my husband had gifted me (without even planning to).

Everything got done (all of this in literally 2 hours) —not because I forced it, but because I let myself flow instead of trying to control the flow.

How to Come Back to Center

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, try this:

  1. Notice when the mind is spiraling. Pay attention when you feel pulled into overthinking, rushing, or controlling.
  2. Pause. Instead of reacting or repressing the feeling, just sit with it for a moment.
  3. Trust the flow. Remind yourself: I don’t have to figure it all out right now. 
  4. Breathe & come back to center. Breathe and allow the momentum of the mind’s stories and emotions to settle.
  5. Move with clarity. Once you’re centered, see where your intuition calls you next.

The Truth About Balance

Balance isn’t something the mind can achieve by planning, forcing, or worrying.

Balance happens when we stop fighting the flow and start trusting ourselves.

The next time you feel the urge to control everything, ask yourself: Can I slow down enough to come back to center first? Because when you do, everything else sorts itself out—without the struggle.

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