Living Unrushed & Thriving When Time Feels Scarce

Most people hurry and rush through life as if everything is urgent. I’ve been there and it’s a very exhausting way to live. What if rushing isn’t required to live a beautiful, successful life? In this blog, I’m sharing how you can release the constant sense of pressure and urgency, so you can move through your life with greater presence, flow and ease.

Why living unrushed doesn’t always mean doing less or slowing down

Rushing often stems from a feeling of scarcity—specifically, not having enough time. It’s the desire to leap to the future rather than being present in the moment. But living unrushed doesn’t always mean doing less or slowing down; it means doing what you do with full presence. It’s about engaging in your tasks without the constant pressure of the clock, allowing yourself to be fully absorbed in the moment.

The link between living unrushed and tapping into your intuition

Have you ever noticed how, when you’re in a rush, things tend to go wrong? You might drop your coffee mug, misplace your keys, or send an email to the wrong person. This happens because rushing pulls you out of the present moment, leading to mistakes and inefficiency. When you let go of the need to rush, you open yourself up to greater intuition. The more present you are, the clearer your perception, allowing you to make better decisions and move forward with ease.

How letting go of rushing can lead to more productivity with less effort

Letting go of rushing can paradoxically lead to greater productivity with less effort because it allows us to focus on the quality of our actions rather than the sheer quantity. When we rush, our attention becomes scattered, and we are more likely to make mistakes, miss important details or opportunities, or burn out. By letting go of rushing and coming back to the present, we can approach life with a clear mind and a more deliberate pace, which often leads to more intuitive decision-making and higher-quality outcomes. 

Also, when we are not driven by a constant sense of urgency, we can better prioritize what we do, ensuring that we focus on what truly matters. In this way, letting go of rushing can transform how we move throughout our day, allowing us to achieve more with less effort and stress and more importantly how we experience our day, allowing us to feel more peace and joy, no matter what we do or how much time we have to do it.

3 “steps” to stop rushing and start living in flow

1. Awareness

Start by noticing when you’re feeling rushed or pressured. Awareness is the first step toward transformation.

2. Releasing

Instead of reacting to the pressure by speeding up, pause and direct your attention to where you feel the urgency in your body.  What does feeling rushed feel like in your body? Allow yourself to fully experience these sensations until they dissipate. Let your mind come back to where your feet are.

3. Follow Your Intuition

Once you’ve come to a clear, grounded, neutral state, trust what you intuitively feel called to do from there. You might continue with the same tasks but in a more peaceful, unhurried way. Or, you may feel called to do something entirely different that brings you more joy and effectiveness.

Either way, once you’ve released the underlying energy/emotions that were making you feel the need to rush, everything you do from there will be easier, more joyful and more effective.

Personal stories of how releasing the pressure to rush transformed my experiences

Just yesterday, I found myself rushing through the day. I’m 8 weeks postpartum and recently hired a nanny. My mind was fixated on “making the most” of the time I had with her help. I frantically tried to get things done, moving from one task to the next, and by the end of the day, I was completely drained and frustrated that I “ruined” my time off worrying about my time off 😂. 

I became aware that the issue wasn’t “needing a break” or “needing more time” or “needing more help”. I just needed to feel the emotions making me feel like there was more to get done and that time was running out. So I focused on feeling all of the emotions/heaviness coming up. There was a lot of tears, frustration and releasing to allow. But on the other side, I felt completely clear and grounded again. I was at peace. 

Today, I’ve had the most easeful, flowing day. I’ve easily and effortlessly flowed through my day without any pressure to get things done or rush through them. And no surprise, I’ve gotten SO much more done and felt like I had infinite capacity to take care of my son after the nanny left. The shift didn’t come from changing my circumstances but from changing the energy within me. This experience is a powerful reminder that on the other side of releasing the need to rush is greater peace, freedom, and wisdom.

Embracing a more unhurried pace can completely transform how we experience our day and our lives. When we stop rushing, we discover the incredible power of presence, and life begins to flow with greater ease and joy.

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