My Birth Story: Trusting My Intuition To Change Plans

podcast pregnancy/birth Sep 05, 2024

I'm so excited to finally share my birth story with you! It was an unforgettable experience—both magical and incredibly intense. In this episode, I dive into all the juicy details, picking up where we left off in the last pregnancy journey podcast. I walk you through the final four weeks of my pregnancy and end with a look at what these first 7.5 weeks of postpartum life have been like. 

In this episode, we dive into:

  • How I lived my highest joy the last 4 weeks of pregnancy
  • Letting go of control and surrendering to Leo's perfect arrival time
  • All the juicy details of my birth story, including trusting my intuition to make a surprising change in my birth plan that worked out way better than I expected
  • An inside look at my postpartum journey, covering everything from breastfeeding and sleep to navigating partner resentment and healing—both emotionally and physically

Listen to The Magnetically You Podcast:


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