Tap into your intuition & release emotion stuck in the body

Travel beyond the mind into a deep state of awareness where you can release trapped emotions/energy and access spiritual guidance and intuitive wisdom. This session will leave you feeling lighter, with so much more clarity and peace.


Tap into your 
intuition & release emotion stuck in
the body

Travel beyond the mind into a deep state of awareness where you can release trapped emotions/energy and access spiritual guidance and intuitive wisdom. This session will leave you feeling lighter, with so much more clarity and peace.


Tap into your intuition & release emotion stuck in the body

Travel beyond the mind into a deep state of awareness where you can release trapped emotions/energy and access spiritual guidance and intuitive wisdom. This session will leave you feeling lighter, with so much more clarity and peace.


The Answers You Seek 

 are within



We each have a deeper part of us filled with wisdom & personal guidance that allows us to access an entirely new realm of peace, freedom and possibility.

This session will help you access this incredibly wise part of you to receive answers/guidance and release any pent up emotions that may be blocking your clarity and peace.


How the Session Works

In this session, you are your own healer, I’m just here to gently guide the way to the inner peace and clarity you’ve been seeking.

1. Overview

We'll start by going over any struggles, goals & any questions you want clarity on from your intuition.

2. Access Your Intuition

Then, I'll guide you through a process similar to meditation and breathwork that will take you deep into your intuition where you'll be able to receive answers and guidance.

These answers might come in the form of words, images or a “knowing”/frequency. We’ve all experienced those moments where something “just feels right” or clarity appears without knowing how or why we know. This is your intuition, or inner voice.

Your intuition can provide deeply wise, loving personal guidance on any questions/topics you want clarity on such as career, money, relationships, health, daily life, etc. Feel free to come to the session with any questions you want answers to or anything you want clarity on.

3. Transform stuck emotions into positive energy & wisdom

If any stuck emotions come up during the session, I'll guide you through releasing them.

When emotions aren't fully felt or processed, they get "stuck" in the body.

Left unprocessed, they disrupt the natural flow of energy in our bodies and keep us stuck in triggered reactions and stories or as Eckhart Tolle says, "they sit under the surface, waiting for the next event to react to, the next person to blame or the next thing to be unhappy about". 

When we learn to actually feel and release them, there’s an incredible lightness and freedom on the other side, like a weight has been lifted off of you.

You complete the stress/relaxation cycle that has been "locked" in place by insufficient emotional release at the time of the initial experience. This is also why sometimes your emotions seem totally unjustified by the current situation...it usually has nothing to do with the current circumstances; your mind is just using the current circumstance as a pretext to release pent up emotions. If you let yourself feel the emotions arising, you will emerge relaxed and at peace.

And from this clear, neutral state, you're able to access your intuition, the part of you that knows the aligned action in any given moment and that all is well, no matter what.

Inner Voice Session Benefits

During or after a session, most clients experience:

Feeling lighter, more relaxed and more joy

✧ A deeper sense of peace and trust

✧ Feeling like a weight has been lifted off of them

✧ Clarity on their next steps

✧ Feeling grounded and open to life

✧ Release of stress, tension and pain

✧ Increased clarity, creativity and inspiration

✧ Heightened intuition

✧ Reduction in habitual tendencies/reactions

✧ More presence and general well-being

What It's Like to Work With Me


My inner voice session was an absolutely divine and beautiful experience. I was a bit nervous at first and my mind was telling me that I wouldn't be able to fully drop in and hear my inner voice. That, however, was not the case at all. Madison guided and supported me with such warmth and kindness. She helped me move through the anxiety that was present in the beginning in order to really tap into and clearly hear my intuition. Madison held a deeply safe and loving space that allowed me to connect with my soul which will greatly support me in making certain life decisions and moving forward in my life. This was such a beautiful experience and gift to myself. I highly recommend exploring this type of session for anyone who feels called to it and for anyone who, like me, can very easily confuse their mind for their intuition. I am very grateful for Madison's guidance and support.

Brooke N


I have loved working with Madison! Working with her was like slowly sinking deeper and releasing more and more of what felt stuck within me. In particular, her ability to tune into where energy is stuck in the body, allowed me to truly go into and release the emotions and physical feelings that were holding me back. It was deep yet, easeful. I came out of the session connected to myself and the love within vs. controlled by the mind or cultural stories. I actually left the session buzzing and had incredible sex with my husband. While not the topic we had discussed, it was the energetic release and personal connection my body was craving. Looking forward to more sessions with Madison in the future!



Working with Madison is like a long, beautiful inhale after not being able to breathe. I trust her wisdom in the same way she taught me to trust mine. I know that I am a completely different person than I was when we first started working together. If you are even remotely considering working with her, do not wait.

Julie Bouche


The inner voice sessions helped me get back in my body and have my truth come through In a way where my nervous system was so relaxed. Feeling safe in my body allowed me to actually receive the wisdom and trust it.

Austin Armstrong


I didn't know what to expect, but I came in with an open mind and Madison was able to take me on a beautiful transcending journey. Thank you!


Thank you for the 6 months. I feel like I have owned myself and my truth more so than ever. And the courage to be me and make decisions for me first is the best truth that I have got while working with you. Grateful.

Subi Babu
Single Session $222
4 Session Package $777
8 Session Package $1,444

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

Albert Einstein


“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

Albert Einstein


How this work completely changed my life

Hi! I’m Madison Arnholt and I’m an intuitive life coach...I’m excited you’re here.

Nothing has given me more peace, freedom and clarity than what I find inside of myself and it’s truly the greatest gift and feeling to know that every answer and feeling I seek is within me.

I’ve used inner voice work to heal from disordered eating, anxiety, chronic back pain, insomnia, childhood sexual trauma, shame, attachment, etc. You name it, my mind has tried to obsess over and control it.

But what I’ve found to be true in all of these experiences, is that when I allow, let go and trust my intuition, my life unfolds in ways better than my mind could have ever predicted or controlled. 

If it feels aligned, I’m excited to be part of your journey.

Hear from others who have done inner voice sessions...

It was AWESOME. Thank you so much. I just got super relaxed at the end. My oura ring thought I was sleeping the entire time. 



Ever since our inner voice session, it’s crazy, I just feel so much lighter, so different. So much of that negative energy and emotion is gone (those feelings of self-doubt, that chatter that would come up in my head). I feel like I'm operating differently. It’s been crazy. I don’t know if this is normal for things to happen this quickly. I can’t believe how different I feel.

The last 2 days I've had back to back meetings all day every day and I've just felt great. I feel like those mental blocks have been broken down. I just wanted to thank you and tell you how awesome that was and how awesome I feel.

Heidi Frye


Madison proved to be an expert on intuition activation and energy clearing. I felt safe, supported and professionally guided throughout the entire the experience. I wholeheartedly recommend her! Thank you for this amazing session!

Roxana Ana


I love any self development experiences and the one of Madison is an amazing one. I went with no expectations, but it really surprised me and I left feeling so much lighter, calmer and happier and I am still digesting on what happened within this hour. Madison was great to lead the inner voice session and extract what you have deep inside yourself. I would definitely dive deeper and super recommend it to anyone. Thank you Madison!

Aiste Urbonavicius


I had a wonderful experience beyond my imagination. It was only an hour session, but after that, I started to feel energized from the inside, and I feel like I'm different from what I was yesterday. Madison, thank you!

Kaori Ishino


I finally felt my Inner Voice today. It came to me easier than I thought it would and in the most unexpected way. I feel like I have gained freedom and comfort in my life. I would do another inner voice session with her in a heartbeat. I would highly recommend booking a session to help you gain access to your own inner wisdom.

Christine Konefall


This was truly a life changing experience. I’ve never done anything like this before, but I definitely am a spiritual person who believes in my intuition. Through the inner voice session, Madison guided me to many truths that were inside of myself. I feel so clear on my next steps and definitely plan to do many more inner voice sessions in the future!!!

Jaclyn Gallo


I love having a conversation with my inner voice. Sometimes I need assistance to facilitate that conversation because the mind is so busy and loud. Madison did an excellent job. I gave her a set of questions/topics my mind wanted answers to and she expanded as needed. After the session I came out feeling very peaceful and had steps to take action towards a business idea. If you've never had a conversation with your intuition/inner voice and are curious to know what it's all about, I highly recommend booking a session with Madison.

Jacquelyn Mayers


This was such a cool experience. It was fun and magical and I learned so much about myself. I found Madison’s line of questioning to be so engaging and I got the coolest answers. Madison is so great at this.

Suzanne Ofeldt


Madison is a gifted inner voice facilitator who instructs, listens and nudges with great skill. She was the catalyst for a rich and deep inner voice experience for me that was so fruitful as well as a follow up discussion afterwards that helped me a lot too. 

Mary Martin

If your intuition feels called to book a session or package, I'm excited to work with you.

Choose the option below that feels most aligning for you.


Single Session $222
4 Session Package $777
8 Session Package $1,444