Are you judging yourself for still having a job while building your business? listen to this!

podcast Jul 12, 2021

If you're building a business while still working another job and feel embarrassed, frustrated or ashamed about it, this episode is for you!!

In this episode, you'll learn:

✧ my journey with building my business while working a corporate job

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you can't fuck it up and if you could, you could handle it

podcast Jul 05, 2021

I recently had a consult call with a potential client where I felt like I "fucked it up" and scared her away with my energy and what I said on the call. a few hours later, I had an epiphany that COMPLETELY shifted my energy and mindset around it...

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why I don't set goals

podcast Jun 28, 2021

Do you feel frustration and lack every time you think about your unmet goals? To me, this is NOT the vibe.

Goals are inherently limited because our brains can only come up with what "makes sense" based on our past and current realities. But I d...

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how to actually release anxiety without making it worse

podcast Jun 21, 2021

Here are some POWERFUL quick tips to help you move through anxiety, especially when you have intense physical sensations in your body like racing heart, tight chest or nausea!


In this episode, you'll learn:

✧  The definition of anxiety.
✧  T...

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doing what you want even when you’re afraid how others will react

podcast Jun 14, 2021

Get ready because I get real and transparent AF in this episode. I recently had an experience in my life where I realized I was people pleasing and not listening to my desire because I was afraid of what other people would think or feel about it...

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what to do when "it's not working" no matter what you do

podcast Jun 07, 2021

Do you feel like you're doing ~all the things~ but no matter what you do, nobody seems to want your offers? Do you feel like you should be making more money and can't seem to figure out why it's working for other coaches but not you? Do you some...

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building a WILDLY successful online business - with Steph Schultz

podcast May 31, 2021

Today I have my coach’s coach on the podcast, Steph Shultz. I might be a little biased but my coach fam is the BEST and I love learning and growing with them. Steph teaches women how to build wildly successful online business through attraction ...

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the frequency of fame - with my mentor Jen Navaro

podcast May 25, 2021


I’m so excited to have my personal coach and mentor on the podcast today, Jen Navaro. She’s helped me QUANTUM LEAP in my life and business in such a short time and I’m so excited to have you join the party!!


In this episode, you'll learn:...

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believing anything is possible and living your purpose - with Susan Wallace

podcast May 21, 2021

Listen to this episode to hear how Susan healed her relationship with food, freed herself from people pleasing, overcame her mental health struggles and started the life coaching business she’s been dreaming about for years. She’s truly embodied...

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how to collapse time and quantum leap into your next level

podcast May 18, 2021

Collapsing time is all about your ENERGY. it’s an energy of openness, presence and possibly. and this energy opens the door for magic to FLOOD your way!!

I’m breaking down how to tap into this energy and sharing with you exactly how I used this e...

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