activate your higher self and feel worthy NOW - with Kelly Marcyniuk

podcast Sep 14, 2020

Iā€™ve got the OG freedom babe here today, Kelly Marcyniuk, to teach you all about how to activate and step into your higher self.

Chatting with Kelly was like having a convo over a glass of wine with a friend Iā€™ve known for years and I think you...

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why ā€œitā€™s not workingā€ is a LIE keeping you stuck (and how to release it)

podcast Sep 07, 2020

"It's not working" is a LIE that's keeping you stuck.ā 

What even is "working"? Who decides when it's "working" or when "it's not"? ā 

I realized the other day that i was believing that in order to deem my business as "working", I had to be making...

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9 signs your funk might actually be a spiritual awakening

podcast Sep 01, 2020

Ā If you've been in a "funk" recently, you might actually be going through a spiritual awakening. ā 

Listen to this episode to find out! I'm sharingĀ 9 signs to tell if your "funk" is actually a spiritual awakening.

Once I realized this was what ...

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how to turn a quarter-life crisis into the best thing that's ever happened with Rachel Alyce

podcast Aug 25, 2020


In todayā€™s episode, Iā€™m joined by Rachel Alyce, author of The Quarter Life Funk. After hearing her story on another podcast, I immediately bought her book and asked her to come on the show. This episode is deeply inspiring (so is her book!) and...

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you can have it all. here's how using my DREAM IT manifesting method.

podcast Aug 18, 2020


Through 500+ hours of coaching clients to dramatically transform their lives, Iā€™ve discovered that there are 7 keys to creating everything you desire - and Iā€™m breaking these keys down for you today with my DREAM IT Manifesting Method!



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How to Trust Divine Timing

podcast Aug 11, 2020

Ever felt super annoyed by this whole ā€œdivine timingā€ thing? Ever thought ā€œwhy canā€™t I have what I want NOW? It must not be working. I must be doing it wrong. It must not be meant for me. Iā€™m not good enough to have it.ā€ If this sounds familiar, l...

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how to SELL like an expert (and have fun doing it!) - with Jen Gitomer

podcast Aug 04, 2020


Jen Gitomer is the QUEEN of selling and has the most contagious high-vibe energy. We met last year at a live business conference and I was immediately drawn into her excitement and confidence around selling. And trust me, you will be too when y...

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addicted to productivity? hereā€™s how to rest WITHOUT guilt or anxiety

podcast Jul 28, 2020

Are you someone who feels like you just CANā€™T rest without feeling guilty or anxious? Do you find yourself BUSY 24/7, yet it still never seems like thereā€™s enough time to get everything done? If so, this episode is going to rock your world.


I ...

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how to let go of body obsession and FINALLY accept your body - with Madison Ayers

podcast Jul 21, 2020

Iā€™m so excited to introduce this sweet angel to you today! Madison Ayers and I have SO much in common and if youā€™ve ever struggled with your relationship with food or your body, youā€™re really going to relate to her story too. Like me, healing her ...

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how to optimize your work and life with your cycle

podcast Jul 13, 2020

This episode is JUICY AF - YES, we are talking all about your period and no, this is not going to bore you or gross you out. Your period is an actual freaking MIRACLE and in this episode, Iā€™m going to share with you how you can harness the magic a...

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