How Do I Know If It’s My Intuition or Just My Mind?

podcast Jun 08, 2022

"How do I know if it's my intuition or just my mind?". I get this question all the time and in this episode, I'm going to break it down for you. Listen in to learn how to tell when your intuition is guiding you vs when fear and emotional reactio...

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Have You Tried Not Trying? Part 2

podcast May 28, 2022


This is part 2 to last week’s episode so if you haven’t listened to that one, go do that first :)

In this episode, I’m sharing the juicy story of how things continued unfolding in the most magical ways after recording the episode last week an...

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Have You Tried Not Trying?

podcast May 21, 2022

Have you been trying SO hard to figure something out that you've been struggling with? Are you feeling defeated, exhausted and don't know what to do next? Have you been spinning in circles but don't feel like it's gotten you anywhere?


In thi...

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8 Ways to Tap Into Your Intuition

podcast May 16, 2022

In this episode, I'm sharing the simple, but powerful practices I use to connect to my intuition every day. I truly believe our intuition is our gateway to the divine and the more we listen to, trust and act on it, the more our life seems to flo...

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What to Do When You Feel Disconnected from Your Intuition

podcast May 07, 2022

⁠Today I want to share with you 6 signs you are disconnected from your intuition and what to do about it so you can get reconnected to your most joyful, authentic, magnetic self.


In this episode, we're chatting about:

✧ The MAJOR spiritual ...

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Releasing the shame of not being farther along

podcast Mar 26, 2022

In this episode, I'm sharing the powerful lessons from "I should be farther along" meltdown I had recently. If you've been feeling ashamed or frustrated about not being farther along, this is probably going to resonate DEEP and be exactly what you...

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how to overcome imposter syndrome

podcast Mar 05, 2022

Have you ever had this feeling that at any moment people might find out you're not as much of an expert as they think? Have you ever felt like you're lying about your success even though you're not? Have you ever felt like you don't deserve the ...

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4 Tips to Make a Big Decision (Instead of Staying Stuck in Overthinking)

podcast Feb 19, 2022

If you've been stuck in overthinking about a big decision in your business (or life), this episode is for you!!

I know how exhausting it feels to be stuck in indecision and how it really feels like you "just CAN'T" decide. The good news is that y...

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When you don't feel inspired or motivated

podcast Feb 12, 2022

If you've been feeling uninspired and unmotivated, this episode is for you!


One of the BIGGEST things I see holding coaches back is waiting to feel inspired or motivated before showing up. It's keeping you stuck and it's actually perpetuatin...

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Trusting the universe and your intuition (& manifesting our dream honeymoon)

podcast Feb 05, 2022

I have a JUICY manifestation story this week! THIS is what happens when you trust your intuition and open yourself up to the INFINITE, MAGICAL possibilities!!


In this episode, I dive into:

✧Recognizing and shifting out of old patterns and b...

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